GummyJAR 2.5 Droid 2 and Droid X Mirrors?


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2009
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North Carolina
Current Phone Model
Nexus 6
I have seen this requested in several different posts in the past couple months, but does anyone know of working gummyjar 2.5 droid 2 and droid x mirrors? I have been looking for a droid 2 mirror for a while but with no luck. If anyone has it on their dropbox I would love a download link. Thanks in advance.
Great! Thanks. Fortunately I found an older gummyjar .zip saved as on my computer. I have seen several others request this though so it'll be great to have a place people can download it from.
Is this for D2? or Dx?

I mistakenly installed one of the above ROMS on my Droid X and it identified my phone as a Droid 2, so unfortunately no bueno. Would love to get a Droid X link as well (I know we're in the D2 forums, but it doesn't hurt to ask)
sorry guys, forgot to mention that was droid2 only :( i'm digging through seeing if I've still got the DX version i got for a friend.... but it's not looking promising...
I just installed it on my D2 i found out which one it was by the name of the file.. (filename starts with D2)... but its working fine

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Hello im haveing trouble downloading it takes me to a different page so i would appreciate a link if you have one thank you so much! ;0