Help..Broken phone screen, can't enter pattern lock to access files via USB


New Member
Oct 14, 2013
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Having a tough time here. I had a very nice RAZR HD until sat morning. As I was leaving my truck, I had the phone between my legs I guess, and when I got out it fell to the bottom of the door jamb. When I shut my door it slammed it there. I picked it up hopeful that nothing would be wrong, but the screen is done. I initially had about 5% of the area about 1x1cm, but its gone now. I'm pretty sure the phone still works okay, because all notifications, the light, the alarms (can't turn them off..) are working.

I can't tell exactly what is broken. The actual surface of the screen is still smooth, so I think this is called the digitizer?- is ok. It must be the actual screen underneath that is shattered. There are cracks shattered throughout, but they are beneath the surface like the 2nd layer.

I have tried to connect via USB to a pc to get my files, and it recognizes the device, but I can't unlock the phone. It is protected by a screen lock pattern. I can't see it to tell if I'm entering the pattern correctly. I'm 99% sure I am, but I can't tell. At this point, I may have entered it wrong too many times and may be locked out. I would think the digitizer (top layer?) still works because it isn't cracked like the amoled underneath, but I don't know if it is accepting input correctly.

I do have insurance, so it can be replaced, but not before I get what I need to off of it. I have serqached here and I see several people trying different things, but I need to know what works. I really don;t have the time or patience to trial an error attempt at getting into it. Does anybody know for sure a method that works?

I have a USB wireless mouse. I do not have a mini HDMI cable, but I can get one. I was thinking that I can run the HDMI to my TV (it is a samsung smart TV) and that would give me a shot of my homescreen on the TV monitor? If the Digitizer top layer is still working, that would at least give me a visual as to inputting the pattern. Will this work?

If the digitizer is not working, then I guess I will have to figure out how to get the input to it. From what I gather, this involves some sort of USB powered hub and bluetooth? I have never used bluetooth..couldn't even tell you what it is lol.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.


I made some progress. I picked up a micro HDMI and connected it to my HDTV. I can see everything just like the phone is supposed to be. Everything works...except the touch. So is it possible that I have broken both screens? The touch screen and the AMOLED underneath?

Main thing I need you guys to clarify is if there are two screens like I'm saying? Is this the case?
I'm not familiar with your specific phone, but, yes it is 2 separate parts.

The front glass digitizer and the screen.

They may be fused/glued together for thinness. Dunno for sure.

You should be able to use a USB Host adapter and a mouse along with your TV to get in.