Lollipop Hold Out


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2012
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Hey guys, am eye the last hold out? Is there anyone who upgraded to lolli that wishes they didn't? So far from what this cat has been reading there isn't much of an improvement, unless I missed something.


I bet it's half are happy & half are not which seems typical of new updates. I usually look forward to them. With a factory data reset, everything works well. But that has not been my experience with lollipop. My biggest complaint and I have not seen it reported anywhere else, but my phone and data signal/reception took a dive for the worst.

sent from my Note3 (soon to be??) using tapatalk
I haven't seen much worth getting excited about. The notification drop down is a little different, takes some getting used to, and I don't much care for it. I lost a good chunk more storage (like 5 gigs) which kind of makes it not worth it.

Fortunately with Xposed I find myself changing quite a few things.
There are some areas where the device feels snappy.. The screen brightness is different.. Especially since the bug patch. The bug patch made my device even quicker ..and that's saying a lot..I keep my device streamlined and not loaded down with tons of apps..but there are those who are saying its a wash..
I've noticed more lag on my launcher, but hard to say since I'm running a custom image. Don't know if it's related to a patch I may or may not have.
I'm still holding out too. I love my phone as it is with the one only major disappointment and issue, very poor cell reception. I've not heard of any improvements in the update in this regard. I'm so disappointed, in the past I had always felt that Motorola had superior radios and antenna systems.
I would not prefer to update the is anytime soon.
I'm enjoying Android 5 on my Droid Turbo. I like the small interface tweaks and battery life seems to have improved a bit. Not noticing any lag but I don't use that many apps and the ones I do use are not very taxing on the system. So far so good...
I like it a lot, too.
Must have? No. Nice to have have? Yea. ;)

Of course the following varies for everyone. This is what is maddening about phones and why I don't envy phone manufacturers at all.
While EA.Droid lists "reception" as a big problem for him.... it makes my:
  • Absolutely LOVE how fast it switches from WiFi to 4G now. Pre-L, my phone would take 4EVAR!!!! It went like this: lose WiFi signal, have nothing, acquire 3G...wait...wait...acquire 4G. Now? Drop WiFi>4G. Damn near instantly.
  • Coverage seems a LOT better but I'm still not sure it's an L thing. I think VZW put in a new tower near my house recently.
  • I love the little animations. As I mentioned somewhere else, Apple started removing the little animated touches which I thought was a DUMB move, and Google starts adding them. Nice. Ex: opening and closing the app tray. Unlocking the screen. Push to turn on off stuff in the top tray. Neat little touches.
  • It does seems even a tiny bit faster.
  • I like the new control center (2 finger swipe down)
  • Trusted places. LOVE.
  • HD Voice sounds terrific now.

  • Kind of a Love/Hate with the new notification shade. I hate having to swipe that and unlock, but I love being able to tap twice to open a notification. And with Trusted Places and Devices my phone isn't locked by pin very often.
  • Pre-L, Media Monkey would launch every time my BT connected in my car. Now Google Music does. EVERY. TIME.
That's it. Really. In my experience, I would tell anyone to grab the update.
I upgraded right in the beginning and it's been pretty bad, BUT, seems as if the issues have been ironed out for the most part for me.
S5 with Verizon, so other form factors and Carriers will vary.
I'd say you probably would be alright at this point to go lolli.
I'm about the same as PereD. I do think "Trusted Places" was a pain to setup and wait for it to decide it would work.
@PereDroid and @obxsalvo, where in settings would I find "Trusted Places?" Is it possible the note3 does not have that option in lollipop?

sent from my Note3 (soon to be??) using tapatalk
You also have to "Location" On. Mine seems to work in Battery Saving Mode too.

On Google Maps if you have your "Home" address filled in it will use that also. ( I just hate to have my HOME address listed in case someone gets my phone)
Droid Turbo here, still on KitKat rooted with Wi-Fi hotspot hack. Improvements or not, I'm resisting upgrading until I'm confident they have a way to retain root. I'm not interested in giving up wireless tether. There's really no other reason for me to keep KitKat but it's enough all by itself.

I didn't install the ROM with xposed because I didn't wait long enough. I may go back and try but my only concern is that I might break things. Right now it's all working except for strange operations of the headset/handset/speakerphone. When I start or answer a call, it starts on speakerphone even though speakerphone isn't highlighted. I have to "turn on" speakerphone and then turn off again for it to go to handset.

Also headset doesn't work by itself with Skype or Facebook Messenger calls. I've had to install SoundAbout and although it does work, it's tricky to get working and tricky to reverse. It causes my volume control to be unable to move into vibrate or silent and so I have to reboot.

So many variables and getting everything to work 100%: can be very daunting.