Metamorph question...

Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
So my question is, once you add something to your theme with metamorph, in my case a black notification bar on my GF's D2G, how do you take it off. For some reason when I added the black Notification bar to her theme (she's on a stock rom but its rooted) it doesn't show the 3G logo or the clock anymore and plus only the bar is black, wheb you pull it down, the rest of it is still gray, so I wanna remove it before she gets more pissed at me for doing it without asking her first hahaha (I did it while she was sleeping lol) so plz help save me from my GF's wraith and figure out how to remove what I did.

Edit - also, I already tried just deleting the files from the "Android Themes" folder that metamorph created and then rebooted her phone, but its still there. And she's been whinning about it all day, so I gotta fix this hahaha

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You can just install the ROM again 'WITHOUT' wiping... it'll return that bar back to stock
You can just install the ROM again 'WITHOUT' wiping... it'll return that bar back to stock

Well like I said, its the stock android froyo rom, so since I never made a nandroid backup of her phone cause I didn't think I wouldn't be able to just uinstall the theme changes. Does that mean I have to sbf her phone in order to get rid of it. Since I have no rom to reinstall since she's on stock froyo like I said

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Or you can try flashing one that was the same as she had and see if it works... was the 3g dark before?

Sent from the imagination of Uncle B-boy
Or you can try flashing one that was the same as she had and see if it works... was the 3g dark before?

Sent from the imagination of Uncle B-boy

Nope. like I said, she doesn't have any custom roms on her phone, never has, so except for being rooted, the phone is the same as when it came out of the box. It just has normal Android 2.2 Froyo.

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I meant flash a notification bar that was white/gray/blue, etc... whatever color it was stock... see if that fixes it... and fyi, you always need to make a nandroid back up before Modding of any kind.... this is a good example of why we all recommend it.... I'm in bed now so maybe Mbk can zip one up for ya if ya wanna try that.... good luck tho.. :)

Sent from the imagination of Uncle B-boy
Oh I see what you mean, sorry, I thought you just weren't getting the fact that I was saying she is using bone stock Android Froyo lol my bad bro, I will try that. And yea, I am an idiot for not making a nandroid, but I didn't even think about that cause it was just a theme, I always make nandroids when using custom Roms, but guess this is one of those learning lessons lol and by "zip one up" do you mean ask him to zip me up a nandroid of Stock Froyo?

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Ok so two questions. I know what deodexed is but what is odexed? And which one of those stock files do I need just to go back to stock froyo, that came on the D2G outta the box?

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I'm not 100% familiar with odex/deodex since d1 roms are already deodexed.... but basically devs odes roms to save space sometimes so you can manually deodex it which I think turns the files into ".dex ". A lot of themes and XML edits wont apply on an odexed rom, but they will on a deodexed one... stock roms don't necessarily get odexed tho.... I could be wrong but that's how I read it worked.... but anyway, what I'm saying is that if you had a white top statusbar before, and you used metamorph to make it black, just try using mm to flash a white one again.... because if the phone had a white top bar, the icons would be dark so on a black top bar, they'd look "gone"....

Sent from the imagination of Uncle B-boy
Yea well that was the first thing I tried before making this thread and it worked but still no Clock or 3G logo. The link he gave me tho, are those like backups of the stock roms or something? I was a lil confused on what to do there. I saw the sbf files but I already have the one I need for the D2G and I would prefer not to sbf her phone. I feel so stupid for not making a nandroid. I've been doing this for almost 6months now, shoulda known better ya kno

Edit - ok i figured it out. On the site that link goes to, there are stock Roms pre rooted, you can download, can someone take a look and tell me which one I need

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You tried metamorphing a white statusbar already?... weird... and I'm mobile now so I can look later... Mbk knows his stuff so I'll safely assume that link is for multiple devices even tho Peter only devs on the d1 (pretty sure)... another option you can do is find a stable rom for the device you have issues with and nandroid what you have now just in case... flash the new rom and show her all the new extras a custom rom has.. meanwhile, you can research finding a stock rooted rom for that device in the case that she is not happy with the custom rom and wants to go back to stock.... I have a d1 so unfortunately I can't even test out ideas for ya but I would have thought that if the very top statusbar was white to begin with, reflashing a white one would have fixed the issue.... ya might wanna check in the section for that device and see if there is any links to a stock rooted rom there....

Sent from the imagination of Uncle B-boy
You tried metamorphing a white statusbar already?... weird... and I'm mobile now so I can look later... Mbk knows his stuff so I'll safely assume that link is for multiple devices even tho Peter only devs on the d1 (pretty sure)... another option you can do is find a stable rom for the device you have issues with and nandroid what you have now just in case... flash the new rom and show her all the new extras a custom rom has.. meanwhile, you can research finding a stock rooted rom for that device in the case that she is not happy with the custom rom and wants to go back to stock.... I have a d1 so unfortunately I can't even test out ideas for ya but I would have thought that if the very top statusbar was white to begin with, reflashing a white one would have fixed the issue.... ya might wanna check in the section for that device and see if there is any links to a stock rooted rom there....

Sent from the imagination of Uncle B-boy

That's what I'm saying. They have stock Rom I can download from that link he gave me. But there listed under numbers so I'm not sure which one is for the D2G, so that's why I need someone to check the link and tell me which one it is. Know what I mean. And I think I am just gonna flash fission to her phone. I already got it rooted so I just need the Droid 2 bootstrap app and the fission rom manager, which I still have the FRM files on our laptop from when I installed it on my D2G before i traded it for a DX

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Heres the Stock ROMs they have for download, but like I said, not sure which file is for the D2G, so heres the name of all the choices, so maybe someone can tell me which one is for the D2G -

ESD20 (Odexed) (DeOdexed)
ESD56 (Odexed) (DeOdexed)
ESE81 (Odexed) (DeOdexed)
FRG01B (Odexed) (DeOdexed)
FRG22D (Odexed) (DeOdexed)
FRG83D (Odexed) (DeOdexed)
FRG83G (Odexed) (DeOdexed)
GPA14 (Odexed) (DeOdexed)
Pretty sure none... esd and ese = eclair... frg=froyo... GPA= gingerbread Peter Alfonso (aosp).... those are all d1, I'm 99% positive on that....

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