Motorola "Milestone" the smart-phone with a clear limitation!

It's a verizon deal with Motorola (Droid Does) really was a part of their agreements so to speak.... Droid to be the best phone.

And all mimics would be a downgrade (slightly)

However if you Root your phone I STRONGLY suggest the following.

1. Auto Memory Manager
2. AdFree
3. Titanium Backup
was wondering if we could all start a campaign to get motorola to change their policy, this website has quite a large amount of users so if we can put something on the main website, and possibly others it might create a large enough reason for motorla to do something about it?

Excellent idea! We always get the Sh*tty end of the stick when it comes to cellphones. I actually wanted a Nokia N900 but could wait for them to come to Canada.
not sure what else to say, you just nailed it. beyond the locked bootloader, I went through an additional Motorola induced setback with my milestone, if that's even possible.
I installed 2.1 and expected the world (new launcher, new media gallery,etc...), and all I got live were wallpapers.
Anyone know how I can get these missing 2.1 features on my piece of sh*t milestone?
Can anyone here answer if the Milestone has the "multimedia and car" modes activated by a magnet, such as does the Droid? They look to be the same physical phone.. TIA :) mike

Yes it does it's only the blootloaders are not the Same but everything else is
Identical :)