My only gripe with kit kat so far


Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
I, like many, use smart actions. The one in particular that I have issues with is Sleep Rule in which I have the ringer and notifications volumes turned way down at night except for important people.
Before kit kat, when the smartaction went inactive in the AM, the volumes would be returned to normal. Now, the notification volume is left low and not returned to it's normal level.
You could try the app Tasker. You can set it up to perform all sorts of functions like this. The learning curve is a bit steep, but it will do everything but make you a cup of coffee in the morning. :D
I might just look into that. Thanks.

Sent from my QMV7A tablet via Tapatalk.
Wow! Took a look, appears beyond what I want to tackle.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD using Tapatalk 2.
Wow! Took a look, appears beyond what I want to tackle.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD using Tapatalk 2.

try llama, i use it, and you dont have to be a rocket scientist to set it up. it has 4 preset volume profiles you can use and modify to your liking.
it does have the same issue you mentioned though, not turning the volumes up at the end of the pre-defined time, since kitkat. thats easily fixed though, by setting a 1 minute event to change the volume back to normal.

i have mine setup to do exactly what you are asking. you can add other conditions, like not starting the event unless you are home (or wherever). it uses cell tower signatures that the phone already reads not gps, so there is virtually no battery impact from using location based events.

even being new to the app, it wont take you 10min to figure out how to set it up. its pretty user friendly.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by a 1 minute event, can you explain?

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by a 1 minute event, can you explain?

Sent from my QMV7A tablet via Tapatalk.

when you set up an event, you have actions and triggers within it that you can set.
one of the triggers is time.
for example we will setup part of a silent at night event.
trigger, time, between 9:00pm and 6:00am. it makes you choose a start and stop time, but since i know it wont return to normal at 6am like it should/used to, we will have to make a second event to fix that. before we move on, make sure you set an action to change the profile to silent (you can modify and add noisy contacts to silent in the profile tab, only the actual tasks are setup at this point).
now to fix the return to normal bug, you will setup a second event. setup the same as the first but set the time to 6:01am to 6:02am. (thats what i meant by 1 minute event). dont worry, it will stay set to normal after 6:02. it wont change again until another events conditions are satisfied. so if you dont set up any others it wont change until 9pm, when it will go back to silent. while setting this second event, dont forget to set an action to change the profile back to normal.

i have mine set exactly like this and its really not that hard to do. some of this is pre-setup when you get it, you just have to edit and tweak to your preference.
i also have mine set to change the volumes to loud when i enter my work area, based on cell location not time, and return to normal when i leave the work area.
this is easy to setup also. just make the trigger like above, but instead of a time trigger, use a location trigger.
after that, when you are going to be at work for some time (i prefer at least 2hrs to get a good reading) go to areas/work, long press and choose learn area. it will ask you for how long, just choose 2hrs + and you are all set. just be sure not to leave the area you are learning while its learning or it will remember the wrong towers and not act as desired.

hope that helps.
Cool, I'll play around with it. I'm retired so I don't need work, so can I rename work? Also, can't figure out yet how to create a new area, like church for example. And does every event need an area?

Sent from my QMV7A tablet via Tapatalk.
Cool, I'll play around with it. I'm retired so I don't need work, so can I rename work? Also, can't figure out yet how to create a new area, like church for example. And does every event need an area?

Sent from my QMV7A tablet via Tapatalk.

sure, just long press and rename.
at the bottom right there is a + sign on most screens, thats how you create new things.
no, events dont need areas. when you click add condition while making an event, any one, or multiple can be used. you need to use at least 1, but no one specifically is required.
i just prefer to use location in addition to other conditions. reason being, if i happen to not be at home during sleep time, i wouldnt want it to go silent while im not thinking about it.
its a matter of preference, i find it very beneficial, you may not.
Jees, what a pain in the neck to go through. Makes me glad I'm not upgrading.
Not a pain at all. As it turns out, I didn't have to do the one minute trick after all. Its returning my volumes to normal at the end of the overnight quiet period!

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD using Tapatalk 2.
Jees, what a pain in the neck to go through. Makes me glad I'm not upgrading.

this has nothing to do with upgrading for me. i have used this app for over a year im guessing.
this app does dozens, if not more, things never programmed into an android os working or not.
the fact that i use it for silent at night is more or less irrelevant, because i also have a location based condition set so it wont go silent unless/until im home.
something android has never tried to incorporate that im aware of.

in addition to my other previously mentioned uses, i have it turn bluetooth on in the morning and off when i get home from work, to save battery.
just another one of the many things i have it set to do.
Not a pain at all. As it turns out, I didn't have to do the one minute trick after all. Its returning my volumes to normal at the end of the overnight quiet period!

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD using Tapatalk 2.

glad it worked for you!
the dev must have fixed it for KK.
i run custom roms mostly, and restore my setup from a backup every time, so i had no idea he fixed it :)

one thing i forgot to mention is the backup. after you have it like you want it, tap menu/import/export... and save your setup. then if you ever have to reset your phone, you can simply restore your setup from the backup from the same tab.
comes in real handy for me as i flash new roms sometimes several times a week :)
glad it worked for you!
the dev must have fixed it for KK.
i run custom roms mostly, and restore my setup from a backup every time, so i had no idea he fixed it :)

one thing i forgot to mention is the backup. after you have it like you want it, tap menu/import/export... and save your setup. then if you ever have to reset your phone, you can simply restore your setup from the backup from the same tab.
comes in real handy for me as i flash new roms sometimes several times a week :)
I spoke too soon. It only did it once. Now it's no longer returning volumes to normal. I'll see how the one minute trick works in the morning.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD using Tapatalk 2.
Just slipping in to say thank you to bweN diorD for the llama tutorial :)
Sorry, it didn't stay 'fixed,' turbodave. But do let us know how the llama trick works for you. It sounds good :)

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