Note 4 and PC


New Member
Apr 29, 2010
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Is there anything special I need to do in order to swap files (music, photos, etc) from my phone to PC? On my Note 2, I could just connect them through the USB cord, and the phone would show up like an external drive. Doesn't seem to be working with Note 4... any tips?
What exactly DOES happen when you connect the phone to the PC? Does anything popup on the computer? Do you get a notification on the phone?
It shows up as a drive, but when I click on it, there are no folders or anything.
It also prompts me to run "VZW Software Assistant Upgrade", which I have done.
Is there a notification on the phone? "Connected via usb" or something like that. Does it give any options when you tap on that notification?

It's been a while since I hooked mine up to my PC and I don't have my cable handy right now, so forgive me for verifying every little thing.
Had not even thought of that... yep... there was a button to touch called "connect as media device"... that did it... thanks!
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Sidesync is pretty cool since you can drag and drop files straight onto the onscreen phone that is displayed and it then opens up your onscreen phone like a file browser. It looks like it may hook into MyFiles that ships with the phone.

(This post was typed on my PC's keyboard via my phone that is connected with Sidesync)