Notification Text Color Change?


Aug 14, 2010
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I have successfully changed my verizon wireless text in the pulldown to blue, clear button to green text, changed date and time to green, ongoing and notification headers to blue, but am stuck here. how do i change the background color of the individual notifications, and the text inside of the notifications too? I'd like to be able to select my highlight color to if possible, im good now but would be great for future info. can someone please point me to some info or help?

Greatly appreciated.
I have successfully changed my verizon wireless text in the pulldown to blue, clear button to green text, changed date and time to green, ongoing and notification headers to blue, but am stuck here. how do i change the background color of the individual notifications, and the text inside of the notifications too? I'd like to be able to select my highlight color to if possible, im good now but would be great for future info. can someone please point me to some info or help?

Greatly appreciated.
I believe the image is "framework-res\res\drawable-hdpi\status_bar_item_background_normal.9.png"
Not sure about changing the text though.
How did you change notification colors?

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I'm half asleep but will post some info soon, its all pre froyo tho so don't get all excited

DroidX + + Tapatalk = Me Happier
I think it uses the system set font. So if you could change it it would mess up all your other fonts. That said, if you're good with xml editing you might be able to change it to a different font that you create somewhere.

This is all hypothetical. I've been meaning to really get into themeing but right now all my time is spend dealing with term papers and the like.

Well, and helping people sbf their bricked droids :laugh:
I want cyanogen to get a x rom that lets all this be nice n simple!

DroidX + + Tapatalk = Me Happier