photo gallery issue


New Member
May 13, 2012
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having a problem with my photo gallery. when i take pictures i cannot access them in the gallery. the thumbnails show up as a gray "photo" icon and i can't do
anything with it. i can't upload, share, view, edit, nothing. it doesn't do it every time but it will do it with a few in a row then it will be normal, then it will do it
again. it happened once in the past and was corrected by doing a factory data reset. i was wondering if anyone has seen this issue before and knows of
another fix so i don't have to do the reset
I am having this same issue, though it is the first time for me. It seems to have started when the update downloaded (4.5.622). Did you end up doing a hard reset again, or has anything else fixed it?

EDIT: should also mention, about half the time the camera freezes while trying to take a picture. Any app that uses the camera also force-quits itself (Google Goggles, barcode scanners, etc)
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You should always do a factory reset after taking an update. This may likely fix your issue.
the first time it happened i took it to the verizon store. they did the factory data reset and it fixed it, meaning the 20 or so photos i took that turned into icons came back to normal. they never gave me any kind of explanation for the problem. when it happened again i went back to the store and they told me i should do a reset again. after an unsuccessful search for an alternate fix i reset it and the icons disappeared but the photos are gone, like they were just deleted. i just did it yesterday so i haven't used the camera too much yet so i can't tell you if it is totally fixed or not. i'm pretty disappointed about losing those photos though. if it does it again i'm gonna go back to the store and push for a replacement
I've been poking around some to see if I could find out some more, I've realized that it doesn't seem to always load the SD card? At least, this seems to be true for the camera, and I would assume would also cause the camera-using-apps to crash?

I have never done a factory data reset before, so I am wondering 1) is it likely that would fix the problem, or is it hardware-related more likely?, 2) do I need to backup photos or app data, since some of that (I don't know how much) is on the card?

Very much thanks in advance, if anyone knows.
You will lose all your apps and have to re-install them. You can either let Google restore them if you had it set to back them up, or you can use Titanium Backup to store them beforehand.
took it back to the store, the guy seemed like he was kind of familiar with the problem but he might have just been cause he was trying to get me to do an early upgrade....go figure. i've been paying for insurance for the last year and a half so i decided to just go ahead and get the replacement. i've had the thing for all of about a week with no issues but now it's doing it again so possibly it's an issue with the SD card or the SIM card? i had to swap those from the old one and the battery but i figure it's probably not the battery. not sure what exactly the SIM card does but if i had to guess i don't think it has anything to do with photo data storage or recollection
It seems to be some unhappiness with the way Moto/VZ have modified GB for their tastes. It doesn't happen with custom Roms in general, and not nearly as often.