[Release][Theme] Cotton Candy for multiple ROMs

Poor thing. Please take a long needed rest!!
Thanks...I feel much better now.

I'm going to start this thing from scratch now....I'm determined to get it to work!
BTW, has anyone's notification LED's stop working?
Sorry for the late reply. Wanted to tell you that I was able to make it work. Now the only problem i'm having is the hancent.
Sorry for the late reply. Wanted to tell you that I was able to make it work. Now the only problem i'm having is the hancent.
I'm working on that....it's loading fine, but Handcent doesn't like something. I've pretty much been trouble shooting all day....

So here we go....
Ok...fixed the stupid Force Close with Handcent. All is good now. Download the new version from the links in the OP.

Download the Theme for the ROM, not Handcent....Handcent is fine.

I also changed the keyboard to something I like better....if you guys think it was better the other way...let me know.

Anywho...thanks for being patient...it only took me about 12 hours. :\
DUDE!!!! GO TO BED!!! YOU HAVE TO GET UP IN 5 HOURS!!! :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
DUDE!!!! GO TO BED!!! YOU HAVE TO GET UP IN 5 HOURS!!! :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
And how do you know this..... :icon_eek:
Yes it works beautifully now!

Thank you thank you
Sweet....I was pulling my teeth out yesterday (I have no hair) trying to figure it out. Glad it finally came together.
How bout a port to shadow rom or ultimate for incredible.

my phone made words......