[Release][Theme]*~*Rockin’ Rainbows*~*

Any chance youll be creating RR so we can use it with the T-mobile Theme Chooser?
Redman was gonna put mine on there but i think he forgot lol, i may take a look at it sometime.
Thanks Corina... I tried to flash the new link but it boot loops... =( I have wiped it several times but it doesnt help.. so I went back to the original RR for now... maybe this weekend I can sit down and work on it some more. The main problem I have is the gtalk force closing and then some of the ringtones I cant change volume and some of the texts I miss.. Now when I first get it up and running .. the launcherpro force closes but then it starts working...
I have switched from LP to GoLauncher EX because of the smoothness and response time. Here's the themed version. Install via astro just like any other apk. Go Launcher EX

@ Dorlisa - I really have no idea what to tell you. It seems there are select ppl that simply can not run gingerbread talk. If i recall, even the stock talk didn't work for you right?
Okay.... I totally wiped my phone... then reinstalled everything... took my time when I had some peace and quiet and it all works great!! I have the green market but it works. =) GTalk works great now... ;)

The one thing I see that I get force closes on are when you go to settings... the volume. =(
So, now that you've edited the first post, this will no longer work with 2.5 will it?

If so, do you have the theme file for 2.5? thanks
hey girlie. I tried to click that link to get the cool wallpaper but it wont let me go =(
Hey there.. I was wanting the new wallpaper... but I found one online that I am using =D I had no problems yesterday nor today so far! Whoo hoo and loveing it.... just gotta figure out the volume issue. LOL

You girls ROCK!
For any brave souls out there here's the newest Rockin' Rainbows market v.2.3.4. do NOT install if you have the new version already installed. I've had 5 ppl test this and it worked fine for all but LA. Her's fc's no matter what she tries. It worked fine for me as well. AS ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO DO A FRESH BACKUP BEFORE INSTALLING. Especially for this as there are so many ppl having problems. Rockin’ Rainbows Inverted Market_v2.3.4 For sprecovery change the name to update.zip and flash as you do any other theme or rom.
Hey Cakes question for you and it may have already been answered but I could not find it......

I am getting an X tomorrow and want to install my RR. The download for the X is that a complete ROM like for the D1? Or is it theme only???

Hey Cakes question for you and it may have already been answered but I could not find it......

I am getting an X tomorrow and want to install my RR. The download for the X is that a complete ROM like for the D1? Or is it theme only???


@Dlwhtorse - you're not going to hold out for the tbolt any more?

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