[Release][Theme]*~*Rockin’ Rainbows*~*

Can I ask major favor??? How hard is it to theme an app say... handcent?? I love handcent but recently tried gosms and love the theme on it.. the popup is pretty and pink on one of the themes but I am not getting new notifications and missing text so i went back to handcent.... would you or could you theme handcent for us droid 1 users? I know I know... you want to work on the new phone.. but we miss ya'll.... please dont leave us droid 1 users... =(
Can I ask major favor??? How hard is it to theme an app say... handcent?? I love handcent but recently tried gosms and love the theme on it.. the popup is pretty and pink on one of the themes but I am not getting new notifications and missing text so i went back to handcent.... would you or could you theme handcent for us droid 1 users? I know I know... you want to work on the new phone.. but we miss ya'll.... please dont leave us droid 1 users... =(

Yup I can. And had planned too actually. I need theme that apk. When I do will work for any phone. Kk. For now though. Handcent has some themes. But, sadly won't do that widget pop up though. I will get that when I theme it though.

Dorlisa seriously think bout the bolt though. I am loving it and was very skeptical as I am a moto fan. Check it out at verizon store. Honestly only thing I really wish I had was hdmi. This thing is plenty fast though. No lag like D1. Not saying cakes won't theme bionic though.

Handcent themes:
Open handcent
Menu/settings/Handcent services/create account

Menu/settings/Handcent services/Handcent themes (at the bottom)

EDIT: I just submitted my current theme to handcent am awaiting approval. That will just be a light theme though not the whole apk.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Hmmmmm... I am sooo going on your word about the thunderbolt and just got home with it =) So... are ya'll doing the rr theme for it? LMAO
Hmmmmm... I am sooo going on your word about the thunderbolt and just got home with it =) So... are ya'll doing the rr theme for it? LMAO

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!! WOOT! Dorlisa! I'm sooooooooo proud of you! KK. Well wait a few days make sure you like before root. Rooting little harder than D1.

You need be over in Thunderbolt area now. Cakes did just release her theme yesterday. But still needs lot of work but will be even more awesome! You are going to :heart:LOVE:heart: my new KB Ima making! Is so SEXY! My best yet!

Where you need be now:

Cakes RR Theme for Thunderbolt Thread:


For learning to root and tips for battery:

HTC Thunderbolt Forum

Above is a new forum for Thunderbolt only. Is a lot smaller. I think will be easier for you to learn and get help over there. I am over there too.

Battery will SUCK the first day or two. But so did my droid at first as well. Give it a little before you root just to make sure your happy.

Also go sign up for swype beta. Give that a go on your bolt.

Swype | Text Input for Screens

I have a nice themed KB for that as well. ;-)

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay Dorlisa:icon_ banana: