Seidio Cases Update/My Review

seidio cust service isnt great ....
i would go incipio or otterbox.

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I personally haven't tried Seidio, but I see that it has just as much trouble as the Otterbox does for the Droid 2. The ratings on Amazon are horrible for the Otterbox on the Droid 2. The case I have is the Body Glove case. It has velvet lining, an option to have a belt clip (which comes with it) or a plug to cover the whole in case you don't want to use it. I have dropped it from almost 5 ft height 3 or 4 times now and have not hurt the phone or broken the case. I got my 15 year old stepson one and he is a skateboarder and fell on it but the phone and case are fine. Just thought I might offer a solution to all these case problems....hope all works out for everyone!
funny you posted today, this morning I stopped at the verizone store, and seen now they have the belt clips for the DROID2, $20 lol
I thought about sending the seidio back, but its just not worth my time, money and gas, I just wont give them any more of my cash/business