Sleep mode failure!


New Member
Mar 1, 2011
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I just got my Droid 3 on christmas and haven't noticed any huge problems with this specific device. I've been a loyal Moto smartphone user since the original motodroid, moto devour, Droid 2 and now happy to have the D3. So needless to say, I'm rather savvy with the hardware and software Motorola has been pushing on their major handsets.

One feature I did notice come into the picture on my Droid2, was the extra 'sleep mode' in the core phone settings. This feature was released on the 2.3.4 Gingerbread update my D2 received shortly before getting my hands on this Droid3. The feature worked fine on my old device and would act to make the phone seem off but a hold to the power/lock key would skip the phone launch and give you instant access. Now this feature carried over to the D3 but doesn't seem so flawless. When I send the D3 into sleep it will fall into more of a coma state rather then a sleep, as the device will not come out of sleep. It just remains asleep and unresponsive forcing me to pull the batt cover and execute the phone.

So the point of this story is to find out if this is an all out D3 flaw, or my device has a personal problem. Also I haven't been able to find a soft reset for the droid 3 and could use a tip if anyone knows if this is still available. (The soft reset for MotoDroid and D2 was Shift-Alt-Del)

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Yeah this is a known problem with the Droid 3 and I am not sure an official fix has ever been implemented. You can randomly long hold and tap the power button and it will sometimes wake up but other times you will have to battery pull in order to get the Droid 3 to start.

I will keep looking for some information but I dont think there is any
I don't use this function... ever? but trying it a few times just now waiting random times in between sleep and wake, I'm not having any issues. I'm not running stock anymore though so it could be a stock rom issue.
I've tried sleep mode twice on my stock D3 - both times required a battery pull to power up the phone. No matter how long I held down the power button, nothing happened. I think I've read that plugging the phone in will make it respond, but I've never tested that - honestly, twice burned, I've had enough with sleep mode to try it again. Hopefully they will fix this in a future release - it seems as if it would be occasionally useful.
There has been one or two instances when my Droid3 has woken up when prompted but this feature seems to be a lost cause although a good idea. Thank you everyone for the replies and info. Any word about a soft reset would be awesome because the shift-alt-del murder feature was very useful to me on the original droid and the 2. But my studies have so far concluded there is no longer such luxury. Thanks again folks, keep any thoughts or incites coming!

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