So long Bionic...


Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Bluffton, SC
Current Phone Model
Motorola Turbo 64GB
So long Bionic, we've been through a lot; I can't believe it's only been about 3 years. It seems like it was much longer than that...not a great run. Within a month after taking you home, I dropped you and cracked your screen. On a late evening this past spring, you took an accidental dip in Skull Creek while gigging flounders all thanks to a rocking boat and a few beers. You survived minus a bad power button. The past year; performance has taken a nosedive.

Well, someone better came along and well, it's time to say goodbye.

HELLOOOOOoooooo Droid Turbo 64GB! Where have you been all my life?
Welcome to the turbo crew lol.. I hated my bionic.. But it was largely due to network issues... Lol
I thought the Bionic was a decent device, though I'm not sure there was really a market for it at the time. I used mine and enjoyed it, but didn't keep it even half as long as bluff did.

Congrats on the new friend! From the things I've been reading, I'm sure it'll feel like an entirely different universe using that phone.
When the bionic first came out.. It was the first 4g droid.. Soon after that, vzw started having network crashes.. It was frustrating lol..
Haha! Well, I didn't jump on it RIGHT away and we didn't have 4g here until I had been using the Galaxy Nexus for quite a long time, but I can see how that'd turn you off.
Yeah it was pretty annoying.. They added LTE down here at the same time they added it for Houston... So we had it fast.. Then it was unreliable.. And the phone also had a hard time keeping became a master of reseating sim cards..
My bionic is still fast enough for me. I know it's all relative. The biggest app that kills my bionic is facebook, and facebook messenger. I like the freedom of not having either installed on my phone. It feels as fast as the day i got it.
The bionic was snappy for its time.. And was really quick when it kept it's signal.. As I said.. I was an early adopter of the bionic.. During the time that vzw was in its "Infant" stages of 4g..
I just said good by to my Driod Bionic. Had been running cyanomogen kitkat the last 8 months was good and nice. Finally took the upgrade to an S4 Galaxy when the upgrade went to 0 on Jan 1 via verizon. The LCD had started the inkspot thing so decided it was time to move on. A great 3 years with it. Now what will I do with
I enjoyed my Bionic for quite a while. I don't think it was the first 4G phone (the Thunderbolt?), but it was the first 4G phone with a dual core processor. Seems so long ago...

Sent from my Droid Turbo
I enjoyed my Bionic for quite a while. I don't think it was the first 4G phone (the Thunderbolt?), but it was the first 4G phone with a dual core processor. Seems so long ago...

Sent from my Droid Turbo