Stuck on Android is Upgrading: Starting Applications

Unreal... it works. Too bad I blew 250 on a used D4. Maybe now I can sell this on ebay and get that coin back. In any case, thanks for the head's up. I'm in shock.
So this is stock JB then I take it? Does the phone need to be rooted again? And what ROM are you using? I haven't used anything but Eclipse (for ICS) for months.
Unreal... it works. Too bad I blew 250 on a used D4. Maybe now I can sell this on ebay and get that coin back. In any case, thanks for the head's up. I'm in shock.

Good news to you too!! heheh. I update because i am sure that me, you and many others users have this problem and will fix with that.
When i have that problem i was very sure that an update will fix this.