★ The Official "I got my Galaxy S4" thread ★

Alright, my turn...picked up an S4 a few weeks ago after *gulp* a year with a Casio G'zone. It started the OTA update in Best Buy as soon as they handed it to me so I hit airplane mode, went home, rooted, flashed TWR, and installed PAC ROM.

This device is an all around beauty, glad to have an android back in my hands!!!
Just picked up a Galaxy S4 this evening from a Diamond Wireless store near me. The staff was fantastic... very helpful and the sales rep seemed to know her stuff fairly well. All my questions at the time were answered. I gave up the unlimited data on the Druid Bionic for this new phone, which already seems to work pretty well. Already have a Samsung tablet (8.0), so a lot of the stuff is the same or similar. :)
JUst came from years with iPhone - so one can imagine what I have now in hand with the S4.
Quite Amazing.
I keep this browser - droidforums.net/forum/samsung-galaxy-s4/ up at all times as if a final exam to learn as much as possible.
Picked it up last Friday, all I got to say is I was amazed with the performance due to the 2 GB of RAM and very good battery life on stock. Screen clarity is awesome, even with bright sunlight hitting it. I was torn between this and Note 3, tried holding the monstrosity, couldn't get a real good handle of it. Glad I chose this device over that, I like to text with one hand if possible, couldn't accomplish that without excessive difficulty from Note 3.
Got my S4 about 2 weeks ago. So far I absolutely love it! Had android devices in the past but they were so buggy and had so many freezing and rebooting issues with them I switched to apple. After having my iphone for a couple years and nothing really exciting coming from them, and also ios7 which I felt was a cartoonish, I decided to give the android platform another shot. My wife has had her S3 for about 7 months with no issues and I really liked the feel of her phone.

So far I am very impressed with the phone, it's much faster than my iphone and the camera is way better imo. I think it operates very smooth and I really like the battery life. I have no problem getting a days worth of use out of it. I was surprised how easy it was to transfer my iTunes music over as well, so far I'm very happy!

Sent from my S4 using tapatalk
I've had my S4 for 2 weeks now. Not too shabby so far but still trying to adjust to the battery life after being so accustomed to my Razr Maxx for so long.
just got my s4 from costco 2 days ago. Upgrading from Bionic. so far loving it. crisp clear screen is much better than previous. Now to find all the hidden tricks.
Similar experience to other people over the weekend. Traded in a Droid Bionic for the S4. Gave up unlimited for 6GB a month. My average I was told is 2GBs a month, 3GBs at best. Giving up unlimited though does give me the ability to hotspot for free, so we'll see how that factors in. Other than that, great phone so far.
I just got my S4 from a razr.... I got to keep my unlimited data.... not that I use very much.... LOL :)
This isn't the iPhone forum???

Just got my Galaxy S4, and really love it. Already played the Launcher shuffle, decided to stick with ADW Launcher EX, as it does what I want and some of the themes are pretty nice. :icon_ lala: