Theming Guide for Progress Bar

Those are in progress horizontal xml located in the drawable folder in framework. Are you decompiling to make the edits or using hex editor?
i am beginning to think the services.jar edits dont work for the progressbars sooooo i am gonna try and make sense of this way of going about things.

looks .... hardish

i just want a ...

#33CC33 forground
with a
#CCCCCC background

gonna see what i come up with.
i have framework all decompiled and was hopeing to not have to use hex edit. still trying to learn that program. if i can just edit the xml's and have it work that would be a lot easyer, correct?
Yeah way easier in my opinion...when you open that xml in whatever you use you will see 9 color codes the first 3 are the progress color and the last 3 are the background the middle3i never change
Its possible I could I have those backwards and the first 3 are the background I'm not home but I'm pretty sure what I said first was right
<gradient android:startColor="#ff9d9e9d" android:endColor="#ff747674" android:angle="270.0" android:centerY="0.75" android:centerColor="#ff5a5d5a" />

theses right? as the first 3
Yup that's it...start center and end go top to bottom not left to right but if you want solid colors just use the same code for all 3
davros.. i looked at it.. yellow eh? try this.
no thats green

33CC33 with a fade to 33FF00


could it maybe be cuz i'm just using 7zip to open framework and put that back in. i did decomplie to get it out but couldnt figure out how to recompile
very possible man.. what ROM are you doing this for?
Davros.. this should recompile for you. It is Metik's framework with stock images. You will need to (once recompiled, toss the images back into the drawable-hdpi and drawable-land-hdpi folders.
Davros.. it's the framework of your ROM just with stock google images. you can decompile that, make your xml changes, recompile it (without errors) and then toss MiticK's images back in and you are good to go.