Updated Themes By Roberj13

the background for alternate dark,

and the launcher pro isnt a huge deal, but i do have a question. On the ADW launcher the circle in the middle that brings up the app tray, do you know where that icon is located on the phone. If I know I should be able to apply it to my launcher pro.

Also anyone have a nice icon pack besides the default ones to go with this theme.
the background should be posted at his theme site if you look in my op

and the icons for adw are in adw.launcher.apk
Thanks a ton

Yeah....so I'd waited and waited and a long last there it was....BB v0.5! "Glory, glory!" thought I. But then, cruel reality glowed up at me from the Purple Passion theme that I loved so much. My desire to port the theme surged up, only to crash and break on the concrete wall of my laziness.

"Surely," I pondered while looking hopefully across the interwebs, "Surely some hero will understand my burning desire to color co-ordinate my phone with my Converse? Surely someone will believe that I don't have to sacrifice my precious precious colors just to get the newest ROM?" And lo! Jasonppp appeared over the edge of the mountains, carrying the heavy load of ported ROMS he'd grasped from the great Roberj13. Great was his burden, but great also was his strength!

So now, I go forth to flash once more. And I will rejoice and carry forth the name of my new hero. Thank you, Jasonppp, you selfless, wonderful paragon!
wow that is deep no problem
And now to the wheedling portion....

In my old PP for .4 the status bar was black and the icons in said status bar were modded for purple (including a truly awesome bluetooth icon.) As well as a purple pull down menu. Is there any way you could get that back?

Thanks muchly!
yea gimme a little bit to compare robers original i never ran it more then to test pulldown and fonts i can make purple no problem icons "should be same as he had in earlier release

will you do me a favor go here pick purples you would like it to be post the 6 digit code or codes here

i wish i could put this theme out for public still waiting for permission



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Awesome, cause reading the little white clock on the white background is a bit hard. Plus, I have a pathological hatred of the white bar.
if you look at my last post i can customize alot i wont ramble techno jarble but i can color more purple add to fonts and everything

this is my status bar after install

made no modification to theme as of yet


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Now isn't that interesting...Must have been a bad install. I thought it installed correctly because my application icons/dialer/etc were all in the PP theme, but not the top. I re-installed, and the status bar and drop down menu are just as they should be. Although....now that you are offering...I'd be pretty happy to see that clock in the top done in say...660 033. I so sorry I didn't think to try a reinstall first. My only excuse is that it's past my bedtime. Won't be the first time I stayed up to late getting my phone "just so."


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ok just gimme a little bit
is this what you was looking for?

the color you picked was actually to dark couldn't read on top of the black
so i used cc0066 instead

-Changes services.jar and framework
either way link has been updated it now looks like the pic i provided redownload reinstall


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no problem plz just lemme know if it is ok after a cpl days of using it
So far so good stability-wise. Did notice that the volume levels which are themed purple in the old PP are still green. And here I become downright eeeeeeevil like the frooits of the deveeeel. I'd rather have the status bar time font and lock screen font color be CC0 099 or CC0 0FF or whatever color code the battery icon is and have the pull down screen text white. Having the colored text on the lock screen and stuff is awesome, btw, but that color is...well..pink...hot pink. Teach me to look at crap on a CRT monitor... Purple and girly I may be, but hot pink is where I draw the line. (And yep, I'm full on aware of the hypocrisy inherent in that last statement. It's just....if I loved pink I feel like I'dve bought an iPhone.) You're super nice for doing all this, and don't feel like you have to change this. Or even if you want to change it, there's no rush. OK, I'm sounding weirder and weirder the more I type so I'm just gonna stop now.
your fine i am still learning input is appreciated i will get to it plus outside help will help me fine tune them. plus i dont got a womens perspective so you are helping. my normal theme is blue so i do need help lol and i thank you for tips