Upgrade - what to?


New Member
Dec 9, 2010
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Love my Spectrum. Only gripe I have ever had is battery life, but that's not purely unique to the VS920. And how can a functional, perfect fit form factor be "ugly" per some reviewers? I don't understand those that dislike the launcher so much but don't shift to GO or ADW. No matter what Android I have, my look and feel will be through GO. But I digress.

For those looking to upgrade, what phones out there have a compelling enough set of specs over the Spectrum? I have upgrades coming up on two lines and may even try to find a Spectrum on eBay rather than give up unlimited data for an iPhone 5 or SGS.

I would be hesitant to give up the unlimited data for a discounted phone, and another locked in contract. If you value the unlimited data, then you're going to pay full price for a new phone just to keep it; even after your current term is up. Now, with that logic, if you're going to pay full price for the phone, you don't need to wait for your term to end; you can buy it at any time.*

Here's a post that I wrote about using 2 extended batteries with the LG Spectrum:

I agree, that the battery life is what annoyed me the most. I couldn't get through a full day. The added bonus of the extended battery (p/n BL-B5KN) is that it gives me a better grip on the phone. The texture of the new back panel isn't as slippery, and the ridges caused by the thicker form factor make it easy to hold/use with one hand.

The docking station (p/n SDT-210) is also worth it. Connect it to your computer and it not only charges the spare extended battery but makes it easy to connect your phone and transfer files. It's a great stand for the phone, even with the extended battery.

Buy them on Amazon for half price. The only down side is that I haven't been able to find case/holster that supports the extended battery. It fits in my pocket just fine, though.

If you're set on upgrading, and you could wait a little while longer, I would suggest checking out the rumored Nokia Lumia 928. (No, really. Windows 8 phones are very good. Make your own judgment, though.) You could check out an AT&T store and see the 920 version, to see how it works.

*There is no guarantee that Verizon will continue to allow the Unlimited data plans to be grandfathered. They can change their minds at any time. There is a risk that you could pay full price for a new phone and then, in a couple of months, be forced into a tiered plan. While this is definitely a possibility, I'm betting/hoping that that won't happen for a couple of years. (Just a hunch.)
I have the extended battery but had forgotten about the docking station.

Like most here, guess I am partial enough to Android that I'd prefer to stay in that environment rather than jump to Win8.

Some of the phones detailed at MWC look interesting but not sure if the performance jump is worth the upgrade hassle or cost.

Hope to find some actual benchmarks when the Optimus G, One and SGS4 hit Verizon.

Is it just me or is the Spectrum the most underrated, underestimated phone ever?
If this is still a concern/option for you, the LG G2 is amazing. I got to play with one at the VZW store. I couldn't find anything wrong with it. I'm a cautious buyer so I'm waiting to see what the Moto X and Nexus 5 have to offer.