Water Damaged Note 3


New Member
Feb 7, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Galaxy S5
Hello Guys! So i got a water damaged note 3, both water damage indicators on the battery and in the phone are red. But when i turn it on, it boots up and makes the loading noise and vibrates but i dont see anything on the screen. Is there any fix for this, or is this phone dead?
You could try a Note 3-compatible MHL cable to test video out to make sure the phone is working. If it is, then you could see about replacing the screen/digitizer. No guarantees, though.

You could also try plugging the phone into your computer to make sure the computer recognizes it. That'd be a good start.
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Welcome to the Forum.
It could be the digitizer, or it could be a lot worst. If you have insurance, put in a claim. If not, consider getting a new device.
You might also keep in mind that while your device may operate properly after replacing the screen/digitizer etc, water damage often takes awhile to truly rear its ugly head. Water damage can take months to show up as corrosion happens slowly on the rest of the internal components. I always advise against purchasing a water damaged phone simply for this very reason.
That said, best of luck with the repair and hopefully you'll have none of these problems. Keep us updated.

S5 tap'n
Sorry,I just realized that the thread was posted 3 years ago.
Hope it would help others with similar issue.
Welcome to the Forum! Hope you stick around and keep on posting.

We have had numerous threads over the years about how to help a water soaked phone; the sock trick, bag of rice, and even the kits you can buy to put the wet phone in to help remove all water. All good tips are useful at times.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
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