Welcome eiker83 to Team Fusion!


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Eiker83 is now a member of Team Fusion. Most of Team Fusion has moved to other phones and we understand there is still a demand for OG Droid support. We look forward to seeing his work on the D1.

Please weolcome him!

Sent from mah TBolt using teh Tapatalk.
I messaged everyone on Gtalk telling them :) (well, the TF members anyways.)
high fives everyone, thanks for accepting me! If anyone on the team need a hand with anything just let me know im usually always around...that being said im sure i may throw some questions and help requests at you guys too:)
Congrats eiker83!!!
I remember when you first started your first theme was for us i believe anyway congrats looking forward to what you put out for us d1 users ha
indeed it was gflam, it wasnt pretty lol, but it got some use i do believe. thanks for all the help with it back then also.
Welcome to the team. Have any questions you can ask me. I hold the knowledge just lack motivation. Lol
i find myself in that spot myself sometimes lol...thanks in advance im sure ill be stuck somewhere at some point, always happens :)
teamfusions king of kang in the house

eiker83 welcome to teamfusion

btw kook not using my jason name in forums anymore
indeed it was gflam, it wasnt pretty lol, but it got some use i do believe. thanks for all the help with it back then also.

Ha yea it did pretty well i think haven't seen any of your other work though haven't switched themes or anything lately ha but again congrats and if you need help as well feel free to shot me a pm
teamfusions king of kang in the house

eiker83 welcome to teamfusion

btw kook not using my jason name in forums anymore

Hahaaa..... Nice.

Sent from mah TBolt using teh Tapatalk.
Hey eiker83! Woot! I know I welcomed you this morning. But now it is formal. So you need another congratulations! LOL

Looking forward to some more of your fabulous themes! I need to drop by and see what you've been been up to. Your work always looks very polished. I can always tell that you put a lot of time and effort into your themes.
Always nice to see team fusion going strong

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Well deserved man! Congrats!!!

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