Where is the app drawer?

OK.... what!?

Member #5875
Join Date: Nov 2009

Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 770
Phone: Droid
I've heard it called the app drawer several times, even called it that myself once or twice. What is the proper name of that magical place where almost all your apps appear when you tap the center launcher icon?
The app drawer is a lie.


This is a very different ROM from pretty much anything else Android. It doesn't have an app drawer; it puts all of your apps on the home screens.
I call it app drawer. What should it be called? App closet? Lol

Edit: duh didn't realise what thread I was in....... miui

Edit: duh didn't realise what thread I was in....... miui


Oops, I scan through the forum using an RSS feed. Didn't catch that myself. Might not have caught it anyway, since I don't pay any attention to the various ROM flavors.
I really like the notification pull down bar, but have switched back to Launcher Pro to regain the scrollable app-drawer handle as well as the app drawer itself. Everything else on miui stayed the same, notification bar, dialer, etc.
Yeah I didn't know what else it would be called lol Yeah i've noticed playing around with it more that there's no such thing. Not sure if I like this but everything else so far is AMAZING.
Yeah I didn't know what else it would be called lol Yeah i've noticed playing around with it more that there's no such thing. Not sure if I like this but everything else so far is AMAZING.

You can add folders and place your apps in them.

I have the following folders: Root, Google, Applications, Music, System, and Games. They kind of work like an app drawer.
I did the same thing, its one of the first things I did with my phone long ago too.

games, gps, root, tools, sysapps, misc, media, social, network, music, food
I just discovered something that might help those app drawer enthusiasts (if this is already well-known then please forgive me):

Right above the dock is a small screen indicator. You can actually press and drag this indicator itself, and use it to move back and forth across all your homescreens just like in an app drawer!

You can also "jump" to a specific homescreen by tapping anywhere along the track this indicator takes.

Don't know if this helps ease the pain for people who need a drawer. I know I have found flicking through screens a difficult adjustment and now I don't have to!

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At first I wasn't sure if I would like it without the app drawer, and it took for-frakking-ever to arrange all the icons how I wanted them with folders and such, but it was definitely worth it. I'm loving this rom so far. Its completely different from any of the other roms And holy crap, it flies on my D1 with a slayher 1000 kernel!