Why cant we get 4.4?


Feb 13, 2013
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I don't get it. You pay top dollar for a premium device, granted, 1 year old now... but your going to try and tell me, that not only can I not upgrade my OS to 4.4, NOT EVEN 5, but cannot even upgrade to 4.2?!?!?!!

I know you guys are more familiar with the Android OS than me... but it really pisses me off, I mean WHY? The only reason I can think of is MONEY. They want us to go out now and get newer phones so we can upgrade? And everyone bashes Apple. I will give Apple this, they are consistent.

For XMAS, 2011, my wife and I were giving an iPad2 each, and got another one from someone else (kept it for a spare). Never had a problem upgrading to the newest OS update.

THEN iOS7 was announced and I was like "well thats that, our iPads are too old most likely for this"

I was wrong. Apple released the iPad2 in March of 2011, here we are almost THREE years later, and guess what? Our iPads were able to upgrade to an almost completely revamped OS. Though I dont care much for it, it was a CHANGE and it was nice.

Here we are with a device, that mind you, costs more originally than the iPad2 did, and your going to tell me, its incapable of upgrading to even 4.2??? And forget about KitKat (4.4)??? These updates are not even like its a new GUI.

And the only answer is to "root" my phone? WTF? Seriously?
You do realize that devices don't generally ship with any guarantee that they'll ever receive -any- updates, right?
You do realize that devices don't generally ship with any guarantee that they'll ever receive -any- updates, right?

And your point is??? Your saying pretty much that all Android users should sit back and watch other phones be able to upgrade to more efficient/better versions of Android? I hope your not applying for a position in the Marketing Department....

"Hey folks, step on up! Spend good money on something that will essentially be obsolete in one years time and your stuck with it for 2 years! Step on up.... forget about Apple! Come with us where you dont know what your getting"

Real smart.
I don't get it. You pay top dollar for a premium device, granted, 1 year old now... but your going to try and tell me, that not only can I not upgrade my OS to 4.4, NOT EVEN 5, but cannot even upgrade to 4.2?!?!?!!

I know you guys are more familiar with the Android OS than me... but it really pisses me off, I mean WHY? The only reason I can think of is MONEY. They want us to go out now and get newer phones so we can upgrade? And everyone bashes Apple. I will give Apple this, they are consistent.

For XMAS, 2011, my wife and I were giving an iPad2 each, and got another one from someone else (kept it for a spare). Never had a problem upgrading to the newest OS update.

THEN iOS7 was announced and I was like "well thats that, our iPads are too old most likely for this"

I was wrong. Apple released the iPad2 in March of 2011, here we are almost THREE years later, and guess what? Our iPads were able to upgrade to an almost completely revamped OS. Though I dont care much for it, it was a CHANGE and it was nice.

Here we are with a device, that mind you, costs more originally than the iPad2 did, and your going to tell me, its incapable of upgrading to even 4.2??? And forget about KitKat (4.4)??? These updates are not even like its a new GUI.

And the only answer is to "root" my phone? WTF? Seriously?

AGREED 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD MY FRIEND!! I'M GETTING SO TIRED OF IT MYSELF!! While I'm def not an Apple guy, but you do have to give credit where credit is do!!
AGREED 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD MY FRIEND!! I'M GETTING SO TIRED OF IT MYSELF!! While I'm def not an Apple guy, but you do have to give credit where credit is do!!

Yes you do.

The problem with Motorola is that they have a bad track record with updates.
Just because they are part of Google doesn't necessarily change that.
I suspect moving forward it will, but not on devices before this last round.

There is no technological reason why they can't get 4.3 or even 4.4.
The Galaxy S3 will get 4.3 and possibly 4.4.
Both the Razr HD and the S3 both have the same processor and basic internals.
Hardware isn't the reason. Lack of desire on the part of Motorola is.
Why upgrade a device when I can try to sell yo a new one?

Handset makers should provide updates for a minimum of two years after the device release.
Unless something changes, you are stuck with a device for 2 years (those lease plans like Edge don't count).
Knowing that a device has a two year life, they should support said device for two years.
Yes you do.

The problem with Motorola is that they have a bad track record with updates.
Just because they are part of Google doesn't necessarily change that.
I suspect moving forward it will, but not on devices before this last round.

There is no technological reason why they can't get 4.3 or even 4.4.
The Galaxy S3 will get 4.3 and possibly 4.4.
Both the Razr HD and the S3 both have the same processor and basic internals.
Hardware isn't the reason. Lack of desire on the part of Motorola is.
Why upgrade a device when I can try to sell yo a new one?

Handset makers should provide updates for a minimum of two years after the device release.
Unless something changes, you are stuck with a device for 2 years (those lease plans like Edge don't count).
Knowing that a device has a two year life, they should support said device for two years.

Exactly, but you know, I guess I just learned a lesson, next time, in a year and change, when I "upgrade" it will NOT be a Moto.

I know they dont come with any guarantees of being able to upgrade, but common, this is 2013 and they are competing with others, mainly Apple, so they should try to follow suit, at least with the upgrades.

I was looking forward to KitKat, or even Android 5.0. I never would have, when I first got the phone, thought that upgrading would be like this, had I known that, I would have went Samsung. My bad for not researching enough....
I also agree.
Since a new update is released annually I at the very least expect, nay demand, 2 OS updates over the life of my phone. I do not think that is asking to much. You make me sign a 2 year contract, the least you can do is suport the device for 2 years. Beyond that, I don't care.

I bought an Asus Transformer and have received 3 OS updates. 3.
I had a HTC Droid Incredible 2. It got one update. Promised a 2nd but never happened. I will not buy another HTC.
I bought a Moto Razr HD. Got one OS update and is now pretty much "end of life". Seriously? This will be my last Motorola phone.
Samsung is one of the best at rolling updates, and oh look... the market is rewarding them.
My next phone will be a Samsung or a Sony...
I speak with my dollars. As we all should.
It looks like the new 4.4 KitKat version is the most significant upgrade for Android in a quite some time. It includes a massive array of new features. The above video is a DevBytes teaser for a small few of the new features. Here's a quick breakdown of many more:

  • Now supports lower-end devices and can run on just 512MB of RAM.
  • It will now have a new launcher.
  • Translucent system UI styling.
  • Enhanced notification access.
  • Includes faster multi-tasking.
  • More advanced caller ID.
  • new white/gray color scheme and fonts.
  • There is a new sensor batching technology. This is meant to cut down on sensor power consumption by grouping and prioritizing requests. Google claims it is now 25% more accurate, and can ask back for clarification.
  • It will now have wireless printing functionality.
  • Includes support for IR Blasters Natively. It is limited to sending functions only for now. It can't learn or receive yet. This is probably just a feature that is in progress since it is mostly not very useful yet.
  • No has native screen recording and can output in MP4 format.
  • Now supports Moto X-style "OK Google" voice commands. For now this only will work with the Nexus 5. Supposedly this feature is hardware dependent, although Google hasn't shared what is required.
  • Bluetooth devices will now be able to control the system volume directly instead of having to adjust two different volumes.
  • There is a new lock screen which includes a camera shortcut. You can also rearrange your homescreen.
  • Built-in Chromecast support.
  • Chrome web view.
  • Full-screen wallpapers with preview.
  • HDR+ photography.
  • Location in Quick Settings.
  • Low-power audio playback.
  • Music and movie-seeking from lock screen.
  • The NFC payment system doesn't require using the secure element anymore. It uses a software based emulation work around. Because of this, carriers can no longer use this as an excuse to not support Google's NFC payment functions.
I don't get it. You pay top dollar for a premium device, granted, 1 year old now... but your going to try and tell me, that not only can I not upgrade my OS to 4.4, NOT EVEN 5, but cannot even upgrade to 4.2?!?!?!!

I know you guys are more familiar with the Android OS than me... but it really pisses me off, I mean WHY? The only reason I can think of is MONEY. They want us to go out now and get newer phones so we can upgrade? And everyone bashes Apple. I will give Apple this, they are consistent.

For XMAS, 2011, my wife and I were giving an iPad2 each, and got another one from someone else (kept it for a spare). Never had a problem upgrading to the newest OS update.

THEN iOS7 was announced and I was like "well thats that, our iPads are too old most likely for this"

I was wrong. Apple released the iPad2 in March of 2011, here we are almost THREE years later, and guess what? Our iPads were able to upgrade to an almost completely revamped OS. Though I dont care much for it, it was a CHANGE and it was nice.

Here we are with a device, that mind you, costs more originally than the iPad2 did, and your going to tell me, its incapable of upgrading to even 4.2??? And forget about KitKat (4.4)??? These updates are not even like its a new GUI.

And the only answer is to "root" my phone? WTF? Seriously?

The thing is, Every Marketing department has their own marketing strategies. Motorola has its ****ty marketing strategies to not update older devices to encourage people to buy newer phone. Though their hardware are good but they try to make their money through contracts. They are so narrow minded that it looks like they don't even wont to make big money. I believe if Motorola starts to give out good after-sales-support and not go after ****ty contracts like Verizon, They might take a fair share from Samsung.
It looks like the new 4.4 KitKat version is the most significant upgrade for Android in a quite some time. It includes a massive array of new features. The above video is a DevBytes teaser for a small few of the new features. Here's a quick breakdown of many more:

  • Now supports lower-end devices and can run on just 512MB of RAM.
  • It will now have a new launcher.
  • Translucent system UI styling.
  • Enhanced notification access.
  • Includes faster multi-tasking.
  • More advanced caller ID.
  • new white/gray color scheme and fonts.
  • There is a new sensor batching technology. This is meant to cut down on sensor power consumption by grouping and prioritizing requests. Google claims it is now 25% more accurate, and can ask back for clarification.
  • It will now have wireless printing functionality.
  • Includes support for IR Blasters Natively. It is limited to sending functions only for now. It can't learn or receive yet. This is probably just a feature that is in progress since it is mostly not very useful yet.
  • No has native screen recording and can output in MP4 format.
  • Now supports Moto X-style "OK Google" voice commands. For now this only will work with the Nexus 5. Supposedly this feature is hardware dependent, although Google hasn't shared what is required.
  • Bluetooth devices will now be able to control the system volume directly instead of having to adjust two different volumes.
  • There is a new lock screen which includes a camera shortcut. You can also rearrange your homescreen.
  • Built-in Chromecast support.
  • Chrome web view.
  • Full-screen wallpapers with preview.
  • HDR+ photography.
  • Location in Quick Settings.
  • Low-power audio playback.
  • Music and movie-seeking from lock screen.
  • The NFC payment system doesn't require using the secure element anymore. It uses a software based emulation work around. Because of this, carriers can no longer use this as an excuse to not support Google's NFC payment functions.

YAY! So now we get to watch others with Androids of similar or better specs get this really cool update and we will be forever stuck with 4.1.2....

I so like this phone when I first got it. Oh well, another year and a few months, ill be ditching Moto till they get their act straight, if ever....
Wait, why is the Moto X getting 4.4 today again and we are not?
lol, we posted this link that just came out 4 minutes ago at almost the same time...

How does "Droid-Life" know this and this site didnt?