Working my way back


May 20, 2012
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Went from a Samsung S3 to a S5, then S6... back to S5 and now back to an S4. As far as I am concerned you can keep everything from S6 and up. My S4 does everything I need it to... Who else loves their S4?
WE bought outright, our S4's when the S6's were coming out. We didn't want to lose our Verizon unlimited web access, which we would have if we upgraded our phones. Back then they were eliminating the unlimited plan. Now I hear it's back (and we've already downgraded to a 12 gig plan, which is cheaper and serves our purpose). But frankly, I just don't see the need for a new phone. This one talks fine, surfs the web fine, takes fine pictures, and on and on. So here we sit.

Lately I've been having trouble updating apps due to memory size (even though we constantly "move the app to the SD card" every time an app is updated). My solution? I don't upgrade anything anymore. Everything seems to work fine without them. I think I've got something like 27 apps waiting for updating. I just ignore the notices and everything works fine.
I don't have that issue... yet. I am older than most on this forum and only use my phone to call or text. I do very little surfing even though I have Bit Defender on my phone for protection. I agree the phone works as it should and highly dislike the fact that the newer phones are not as user friendly as my S4 & S5. If I can't change the battery that is a real deal breaker for me.
I use S Voice with my Bluetooth ear pieces and a handful of apps. For the rest I use my good old desktop computer. I don't do business or any financial transaction on a phone, period.
My Samsung S4 rocks on.
newer phones are just as user friendly as the older for what you need. the os is just a newer version that works the same way as the old in the s4. It is not like going from xp to win 8 on a computer. Now that was a pain.

Not being able to change the battery is a pain but since I found power packs, it made the change bearable. but I guess, if you want a waterproof phone, you got to live with it.

the reality is, if the older phone does everything you need it to do, why go broke getting a newer one.
"the reality is, if the older phone does everything you need it to do, why go broke getting a newer one."

Exactly my feelings on this. Remember when you got a free upgrade phone from Verizon when your two year contract was over? What happened to that? Now you pay through the nose for a new phone when the old one is fine, just not the newest bell and whistle model. I ain't the newest model anymore either - ha. ;)
Yes, I agree with you both. Think about this if you will: If one can't change the battery in there phone when it doesn't last for a day what will most people do? Most will buy a "new" phone. Sounds like a plan to me...
Yes, I agree with you both. Think about this if you will: If one can't change the battery in there phone when it doesn't last for a day what will most people do? Most will buy a "new" phone. Sounds like a plan to me...

could be, most of the time, if the battery doesn't last a full day, the phone is considered out of date :) and it is time to upgrade.
Sounds like the real plan is, if I intend to keep my aging phone I should hop on eBay or Amazon and pick up a spare battery to replace mine when it gives up. The S4 has a replaceable battery. Samsung probably figured out that option was going to hurt new phone sales so they did away with replaceable batts . . .
Sounds like the real plan is, if I intend to keep my aging phone I should hop on eBay or Amazon and pick up a spare battery to replace mine when it gives up. The S4 has a replaceable battery. Samsung probably figured out that option was going to hurt new phone sales so they did away with replaceable batts . . .

waterproof phones or replaceable batteries, that is the question???? I think most would rather have waterproof phones. I think that is why the replaceable battery are going the way of the dinosaur. but then if you had replaceable batteries, companies would never be able to sell those mobile battery pack that can be used to charge the phone when no outlets are around.
I haven't dropped my phone in the water yet, so I guess that's why I'd rather have a replaceable battery. And of course, if you could replace your battery you'd never have to get a new phone, as long as you're not one who needs the latest and greatest. Me? I could survive with my old Motorola bag phone (which I have three of in my shop attic - ha).