I'm still hoping he gets a DX so he can port to that. If he does, I'll probably get rid of my D1 and get a DX to replace it. I'm due for a new phone, and I can get one for $50 or less. With Miui on it, I can forego 4G for awhile. Otherwise, I'm getting a Bionic when it comes out!
We must think alike. I purchased an X on Ebay last night, I sure hope that works out for me. This way I'll not mess with my present contract and I'll still have my last ever NE2 upgrade next July.
I'm not looking forward to paying more for 4g either!! I find that everything I do, including using my Slingbox, works quite well when I have a good 3g signal.
The Bionic looks good to me also but if it has the locked bootloader I'll look at something else instead.