ACK!! I wish I'd seen this before I got my phone! The lady at the Verizon store convinced me that I was insane (I really felt like a total idiot by the time she was done) and that they didn't make a 32 GB model, that all of them were 16 GB + the 16 GB SD cards. Now I've spent all weekend customizing and falling in love with my phone, and I feel like I have to return it on principle now
At least they didn't con me into $50 on the 16 GB card so I have a little dignity left... though I have to buy a new screen protector now... Ack I say!!
Just a quick update on my 16 vs 32... I went to one Verizon store, and within 5 minutes was storming out and reminding them that I had a $250 account with all the phones coming to the end of a contract by November. Then I went to another Verizon store, the one where I bought the phone and was told that the 32 GB's didn't exist. I took a deep breath before I went in, and spoke directly with the manager. Had a GREAT experience. It was a long process, but they refunded me everything, took back the 16 GB, reactivated my old phone, and ordered the 32 GB phone from the online store for me. They told me to call them tomorrow if I didn't have a shipping date from the Verizon online folks.
My Dad's experience was a little different. He is going from an old fashioned phone to his first smartphone. He jumped the gun on Saturday and just bought one (he was supposed to wait for me to have it a few days and give it the thumbs up - we're getting the same phone so I can do tech support for him. Love the phone so it's kind of a moot point). As he was leaving his local Verizon store after getting the 16 GB (he's in Upstate NY), he saw a huge sign that said you could only get the 32 GB phones online and filed that away, which is how I found out that 32 GB phones do exist. Well, after thinking on it this weekend and today I decided that I just wanted the 32 GB phone, and once he found out that I had decided to go 32 GB, he decided to go 32 GB too. It's his first smart phone and he's soooo excited, so whatever makes him happy (note: he literally does not even have 32 GB filled up on his hard drive. He has had a computer for over 5 years).
Today (Monday), he went in and said that he wanted the 32 GB, but didn't want to go back to his crappy old phone while he waited for it to ship. They worked with him and ordered the 32 GB at full price on his credit card, said when it came he could come back in, return the 16 GB, pay the restocking fee (no one lied to him at his store, and he did a last minute flip flop and it's their fee, so while it sucks he'll still pay it) and then they'll discount the 32 GB at the upgrade price for him. He worked with a manager and said it appeared that she was working the system in his favor.
So if you're changing your mind, it can be done. I loved that phone the three days I had it, and even if I never use the extra 16 GB, I'm fortunate that I'm in the position where I can pay the extra $50 to not have it bug me six months from now that I "only" have the 16 GB phone (I'm shallow). I want to adore this phone for a long time.
As for Verizon - I had a two crappy experiences and one great one, while my Dad had a long string of really good ones (he has made five trips to the same store since Saturday and they're still letting him in). I did kind of feel like VZW owed me a little more given that I lost a lot of time setting that phone up over the weekend and now I have to do it all over again, all because one of their employees either lied to get a sale or was totally incompetent, but the support staff that helped me was so friendly and made it such a positive that after pouting for a few more days I'll let it go. The manager also apologized and said that if I ever worked with someone and something didn't sound right to call a manager over for confirmation.
I realize most people are probably past their 14 days, but if you're late the S3 party like me and are having second thoughts on size, I hope this helps!