It's not Verizon's fault this got delayed.
In reality it is Verizon's fault that there was a delay. Verizon has responsibility for the upgrade, from contracting with Motorola for the hardware, Google for the OS, and the firm to push out the upgrade. Verizon should have completed "due diligence" prior to contracting with a firm to push out this upgrade to ensure they could accomplish the rollout to Verizon's specification.
In my industry, as in many others we conduct 'stress testing' to ensure that the system can handle the maximum expected load plus a percentage above that maximum threshold. Since I am not involved either directly or indirectly, I cannot say with certainty if stress testing was conducted and/or the stress test results reviewed by Verizon.
In reality, Verizon has shown they execute a quality assurance plan in two phases thus far, though the delay caused by these QA plans have angered some individuals.
1. The first delay last month when Verizon determined there was some kind of problem between the OS and the hardware; better to delay than have a lot of Droids not working as expected.
2. The delay when the rollout vendor could not handle the rollout plan. Nothing could be worse than receiving partial or corrupted updates.
I will state that I am disappointed in the delay, but life and my Droid goes on. If I really had the incentive, I would root my Droid and might possibly have different or most likely increased functionality.
I wish everyone would take a deep breath, now exhale; deep breath, exhale; deep breath, exhale.