I haven't rooted, and don't plan to root.. However, if they seal up the ability to root for users, what is the benefit to them, and the user? Android, and Linux both have followings because they are "open source" and those who desire to, can set it up any way they like....Now if they seal up root, either because Moto/VZW think it may save them money/headaches in some way, or because Google has told them too (I am not spreading rumors, just speculating) either way, don't they then undo the "spirit" of Androuid/Linux, and then make it another closed OS, ala the iPhone, OS, or **gasp** Windows Mobile?.
I am just wondering how a "simple" update to an OS has become what appears to be a larger problem.
At this point, even though it has been said that 2.1 is going to come to Motorola phones, I wonder if we are going to get the update at all....
First of all I can say with 100% certainty that we will be getting 2.1.
Secondly you raise a very interesting question.
Why would they want to seal up root access?
I think the answer lies in the question of how does it benefit Manufactures and Operators? It doesn't. It actually harms them. How?
I believe it takes money out of their pocket by allowing users to stay on the bleeding edge without continuously upgrading their hardware.
You can continuously upgrade the OS to the latest and port ROMS from other devices. There is no incentive for users that root to upgrade. People go into debt to have the latest and greatest in tech. With root access you are extending the life of the device by a much longer time.
I'm just playing devils advocate here. Root=good for the end user, bad for the Operators and Manufacturers.
Thats why I believe they want to lock it down. Also Open Source does not have anything to do with rooting.
Android can remain open source just without the ability of the developer community to gain root access.
Thats neither here nor there though as long as there are these great developers they will always be able to find an exploit. < maybe I'm wrong?
I don't know but it seems like the bigger Android grows the more control they will try to have over it.
I could be way off base here and totally wrong but I just wanted to put it out there. Food for thought if you will.