Hi Bravesfan,
Thanks for the update on your new phone.
I was wondering if you were using the stock battery with your Incredible?
Also the screen size always baffled me with the IPhone. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to carry around a tablet in my pocket. I work construction so I want my phone to have a chance of surviving in my pocket. That was why I went with the Incredible in the first place over some of the larger screens at the time. It just seems now that the screens are getting larger without as much borders therefore not dramatically increasing the overall size of the phone. Which is why I don't understand why the IPhone still uses the 3.5" screen. I played with one at the store and the display is amazing but it is still 3.5".
Look forward to hearing more from you after the honeymoon is over with your IPhone.
Well considering it is the 4s and not the 5, I didn't expect any changes hardware wise to the device, other than the camera and processor. Yeah it's a smaller screen, but it is sharp, much sharper than our Incredibles. I was surprised that the screen is 3.5", I always thought mine was 3.5", but was happy to find out it was 3.75" lol.
As for battery, whether he was using the stock or an extended, the battery life on the Incredible just plain stinks. I don't know about you, but when I buy a phone that's supposed to have a slim profile, I don't want to add to it with an extended battery, and I strongly believe most consumers don't want to go that route either. Apple has figured out battery life and this is something Android has yet to figure out, hopefully this changes with ICS though.