Figures... I switch phones and the dang update rolls out... Bleh...
Takami826, I can only give you my view on both phones. The iPhone trumps the Incredible in battery life. And it runs a lot smoother than when I was running Froyo (not sure about smoothness vs. Gingerbread as I never had it). The quality of the apps are nice, but you have to pay for pretty much anything that's not LITE. You can't have widgets on an iPhone, which can be a huge hassle. You can only sync 1 iTunes account to your phone.
It's all about preference. If you root, or don't want a "closed down" phone, then stick to Android. You won't like the iPhone at all.
If you don't root, and want a simpler phone, then try the iPhone.
Like I said, it's all about preference, and I won't try to sway you one way or the other. I had a Droid for nearly 2 years, and I absolutely LOVED it. There are only a couple small things I could complain about for droid (battery, freezing), but I would NEVER tell somebody not to get a droid.
I've had my iPhone for.... 2 weeks-ish? And I love it as well. The battery is simply amazing. That was my biggest reason for switching. The screen is clear, and all the apps are high quality. And I wouldn't tell anybody not to get an iPhone either.
You should go to a VZW store and play around with both to see which you like better :biggrin: enjoy!
I'm really curios as to how long you actually played with your friends iPhone? Was Siri the only thing you checked out? If so, then you didn't get a full feel of the phone. It's like everything else in the world. You can't learn something in 10 minutes. I know that the iPhone is pretty simple in how to use it, and that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. But it does do a few things well that Android cant. Just like Android does things that the iPhone simply can't do as well.
I was always an Android fanboy, and I said I would "never" get an iPhone. Things change. And I'm happy. I may very well go back to Android once they fix the battery issues and the freezing issues (and is it to much to ask for a sexy phone?). My Godson is getting to the point where he can use the phone, and he likes to call me ALL the time (17 calls yesterday :icon_eek
, and I have to have a phone to pick up when he calls.
I have to have my phone charged for my parents (dad has Parkinson's), and I have to make sure that nothing has happened, and if my phone is dead and miss a call. I'm screwed. And my girlfriend... Well.... Ever had a clingy girlfriend? Gotta keep my phone charged for that...
Anyways, sorry I ranted and got off-topic. When you get your new phone, consider what you're going to use it for. Then make the decision. Don't not get one phone because it's the rival of the phone you have right now. Pick one to suit your needs :biggrin:.
I'm happy for everybody that got the 2.3.4 update! And I hope that you all get version 4.08xxx pushed to you soon as well. And I'm happy for all the people that have it working great for them. the Incredible forum will always be my family
Question though, has the update helped any with the battery life? Or is it still pretty much horrible?
Hope everybody has a good Thanksgiving! And I'll try to check in more often!