Someone pointed out that Apple never really mentioned the competition in their ads because they weren't behind. However, their constant pokes at PC is because they are behind, and frankly, they are behind the PC. The PC has a fair share of the desktop environment and want people to think that the grass is greener by going with Mac.
I will admit, I am mostly a PC user, but I also have worked with Macs. Macs are good for some niches, but the reason most people use PCs in the office and at home is price. Along with price, the sheer volume of development and namely for me, games, are higher for the PC than it is for a Mac.
The Mac excels at Desktop Publishing and has had a long history of software development there than the PC, with fewer problems as well because the design supported it, while Windows emulates it.
The long and hard of the issue right now for both Verizon and AT&T is less about Blackberry as Blackberry's niche is strong with regards to Business Collaboration, both the Droid and iPhone are actual competitors for the Consumer Niche, more so than the Business one.
While quite a few of the posters here are former Blackberry users, I would hasten to believe that the real focus of those Blackberry users are wanting something similar to the iPhone, but not the AT&T Network. The Blackberry itself is not a very 'friendly' personal type phone for some. It's internet browser is simply not up to snuff and its application database is not nearly as large for a device that has been out for as long, if not longer, than the iPhone. And I simply blame the lack of an App Store which Blackberry just recently started to hop the bandwagon on, but right now it is rather sparse and does not collaborate with the other Blackberry groups as far as showing what apps are available.
All in all, the Blackberry is not 'inferior', but it is not winning much ground as far as being a consumer level phone anymore, it is still going to be a business oriented level phone until Droid and iPhone develop apps to make up for the tried and true Blackberry Enterprise Server implementation of Push IMAP.