Silver Member
ROCK ON an yes side load that updatenew method worked.
how should i push .902? just side load it, with this correct?
ROCK ON an yes side load that updatenew method worked.
how should i push .902? just side load it, with this correct?
yeah just use the exploit to forever rootSo if I'm rooted already but not ForeverRooted can I start with the ForeverRoot process instead of starting with step one?
ok first what was ur phones syetem version prior to doing any of my FXZ's? and u have to be in ap fastboot when applying the cdtfix also u need to download the .893 update from ur phone pull it from ur cache an replace the cdt file with the one in the op an then sideload it before applying the .902 and the cdt fix is a verification file if the cdt on the phone doesnt match the FXZ or update u get a cdt failure in fast boot the fixcdt gets rid of the failure by reverifying the cdt with the correct onei gave up last night. it would not side load the update. ended up with the CDT errors. had to flash the phone again. lost root. back at .886. root will not take hold.
truthfully, the whole cdt thing is beyond me. the file you say to download to fix it. does nothing. or im doing it wrong.
step by step is what i am needing now. if you think i need to just redownload everything i will. my obession with fixing this phone is driving me nuts.
use the CDT fix in the op then charge ur phone before doing anything elseI think I need your help, PLEASE! I was forever rooted and did not add the cheese cake. I accepted the .902 update and lost root. I am sort of a noob at this but had rooted my original droid and then the bionic. I tried to forever root again to go back and now I have AP fastboot flash FAILURE! I cant seem to get past the bootloader screen. I am not sure what or where I need to start. Any help you could offer please! Thanks ALSO on fastboot now states my battery is low. Am I facing a paper weight? Head Desk!
ok that means u need to find a way to charge the battery or find a different one cuz ur battery is to low to apply any scripts always makes sure ur battery is atleast 80% to avoid ap fastboot failures in low battery status cuz the only way to fix ur phone is to get a new battery thats charged or charge ur battery then rerun the fixcdt u can not charge ur battery in ap fastboot let alone in ap fastboot failurehate to realy sound like a noob but, what is the CDT fix in the op....if its the FixCDT I have tried that and it says FAILED battery too low
external charger is a the best thing to have when doing something like this cuz it will charger phone during the flashing process so u wont have to worry about a low battery lol make sure u get the inductive back to for the phone or the external charger wont workok, I will prob buy extra battery n charger or just ext charger....I had started out with a fully charged battery and managed to drain it trying to fix my prob. I will repost when battery is fixed and I have tried CDT
ok what was ur system version prior to using my fxz file?ok got external and extra battery. Got CDT to run but upon reboot it went right to ap fastboot ....boot failure. On the bottom it says invalid CG Version (CG: boot). Any ideas?