Download this kangerade.scripts.apk then install the .apk, when its done go to your app drawer and run it, Kangerade Scripts, go to fonts, select the font you want to try and tap it. After a few seconds it will tell you its install, then you just reboot and your done! As for boot animations, there is another thread in this section entitled goodies. Just DL the boot that you want, place it on root as and instll through recovery. I switched over to the classic Droid boot and droid font earlier today with no problems.
I second this, had FC with terminal emulator but Android Terminal Emulator worked great. Though, with canvs Kangerade Scripts front end, you dont need terminal emu!
Thanks got the kangerade scriptsI have the android emulator but it doesnt let me type anything.
What do you mean it won't let you type anything?
There is no way to enter a script. All I can do is pull up a menu list which has preferences, reset terms,email and special keys. The keyboard is useless