So you can either pay 7$ a month to verizon and if u drop and crack open your droid, you can get a new one for 89$(correction) or you can pay best buy 10$ a month provided u bought your droid there and u can intentionally smash your droid into pieces and then have a brand new one given to you that day or sent over night hahha I did it....I smashed my droid in front of a best buy employee just to test the insurrance and they gave me a new one which one do u think is better hhaha just some info for anyone who bought a droid at best buy.... its worth the 10$ extra a month.....
UPDATE>>>> I bricked my phone to the point of no return and I cracked the I decided to test out the best buy option again today, and I went in and told them my situation and they gave me a BRAND NEW DROID out of the box, switched my sd card, activated it and all I paid was 10$.....I pay 10$ a month, but it's better than verizon for 7$ a month and they give u terrible refurbished phone in 2 days waiting time for 89$ duductable...that sucks....believe me or's your money and droid......go into best buy and ask them and they will tell the same thing.....It's funny how people just assume I'm lying or I work for best buy,.....I actually hated best buy until I found out I could do this....AS MANY TIMES AS I WANT::: now if I did it everyday they would say somethign, but a few times if you actually break it or crack the screen you can keep trading it in for a new one!!!!! thanks, just thought i would let anyone's a great service/replacement plan!!!!