I'm currently going through this thread page-by-page and have come to 3 conclusions.
1. Coming and going from the community is not good for the psyche as I have no idea where this came from, what the big P3 argument thing was, or anything else about what's been going on.
2. 2 mch readng mkes me brain mad
3. This looks like a good idea, I think.
4. Are there some cliffnotessparknotes or a log that I can use to catch up on everything
EDIT: I've given up on reading this thread. The back & forth has simply become too much for me. I think I'll come back when everything pans out.
I'm a little confused on your first point? Was that an accusation or a question? Can you please clarify..? I am honestly really confused on that one.
Point 2. Lol. Reading is a good thing lol. No worries though, you are certainly entitled to your opinions. There's definitely things that I prefer not to read.
Point 3. Thank you, I think... lol. I honestly don't think it's a good idea yet myself, but I think it's getting closer and that we as a community are in fact getting closer to achieving our goals. My plan is more solidified, and I have made some valuable connections. I also just finished up my school semester, so besides android development, I am finally free to give this project a more full time commitment. There are lots of things I really wanted to do that haven't been able to since I was swamped. I plan on making a lot of progress in the near future. I will really happy to keep this thread updated with new advancements (hopefully).
so I am glad that you kinda like it as is, but like I said, there's still a lot more work that needs to be done. The one thing that is really good is that I feel like I understand the scope of the problem a lot more than I originally did, which will certainly help as I attempt to move forward with this.
4... lol. I don't think so. I can't really do that, but I will promise to release an updated op sometime this week that will attempt to highlight some of the key advancements, revisions and criticisms of the plan that have already been discussed up to this point. That is the best I can do regarding summaries... still will be a read, but at least it will be all there rather than being randomly spread throughout all these pages of back and discussion. I can't spark note though lol. I can try to make a real executive summary though maybe... I hope that would help.
Regarding your edit.. lol. You gave up already. Lol. You just started participating. I hope you will at least take the time to clarify your first point. Thanks.
{{ WugFresh }}