Silver Member
^...you're missing a right boot.*
^...you're missing a right shoe.
Guys I finally did it, I cracked the bootloader. I have been secretly working on this while these threads have been taking place. Moto wouldn't let me take pictures of how I did it but I drew this picture but the picture is so well made it's like looking at a real life photo of how I did it.
Umm I'm entitled to a subsidized phone and unlimited data with tethering included. Clearly I would never consider doing what you suggest. Rather, carriers should conform to my needs even if it ends up costing them.
/silly mentality
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Please stop undermining the true intention of this thread. The reason why I often get frustrated with your posts because many of them are ridiculously condescending. I know that I am guilty of using that tone a few times myself but I certainly don't do it nearly every post like yourself. Your debate tactic seems to be heavily grounded in belittling your oppositions intelligence/understanding, inferring that you are correct by default, and then using mockery just to be snide and belittle your opposition some more.
I understand the urge to take that tone when you feel your opponent in debate is entirely wrong, but please refrain from that kind of response regardless. A lot of your comments are uncalled for, and even though you may be using them to help make your point you are making this thread more of an argument than a constructive discussion. I am not suggesting that some of your points through out this thread weren't valid but they are mixed in with condescending and belittling statements, often structured as a direct attack at the individual you are having a disagreement with. Please stop these kinds of posts, they do not help anyone, just get people frustrated, and further derail this discussion. You do not have to be a dick to prove a point, if you feel that you do... then please consider Pm'ing those individuals you feel like going after.
The above quoted text has no constructive qualities whatsoever, it aggravates me because you know very well that this is not at all what this thread is about, but instead is the perfect summary of exactly the opposite thing this thread is aimed to achieve. This idea is geared towards determining how to make it financially beneficial for carriers while coming to a middle ground on pricing and features, it has nothing to do with how carriers should spend more money to conform to our needs.. that statement demonstrates to me that after endless debate you have yet to take away anything from your opposition at all. Although I have I have disagreed with you on many points, I have at least recognized the validity of some of your statements or the reasoning behind them. You however have literally dismissed every single thing that has been brought up, if its not directly in line with your original mindset. If that's your intention.. what's the point of the discussion in the first place...? Just to be right? Ok, your right on everything, does that make you feel better now? Can you stop with this attitude now? Please?
{{ WugFresh }}
Agreed and I apologize
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Guys I finally did it, I cracked the bootloader. I have been secretly working on this while these threads have been taking place. Moto wouldn't let me take pictures of how I did it but I drew this picture but the picture is so well made it's like looking at a real life photo of how I did it.
I'm just curious as to why you don't think that Sony's simple plan is the best plan.Unlock your phone and void your warranty and hard caps with data so people can't steal data. Simple and to the point. Maybe charge people to unlock their phone so it brings in some kind of revenue and then the problem is solved. It seems to me the more complicated it gets the more likely they are to not do it.
Okay, but who's to say that when Verizon implements tiered data that they won't just price it so tethering is built in? If so, a lot of the problems go away.
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