I am going to have to come back to this; I have everything but Einstein.I know what he's famous for, but I am just not seeing which existing element corresponds to it! Aauughh!
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what he is + his equation
Thanks, but that's what's getting me; I'm not seeing what represents his equation; it's got to be something I already have cos he's the last new element, but I'm not seeing it. I tried what I thought were the obvious combinations based on wiki'ing his theories. I'm sure the answer is right in front of me--which is what makes it infuriating. :/
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ok i am at 355/360 and i need:
for each i would like the hardest element and then a hint for the last one please.
penguin --what us it and what us there a lot of where they live?
Transistors, well, what do you call a place that's famous for tech, plus another thing used in their making
microchip will come easier after that
belarus has to be wikipedia. Once you do you will see an element which used to be final ans no longer is.
Rainbow is made of what and happens when?
Good luck.
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I am going to have to come back to this; I have everything but Einstein.I know what he's famous for, but I am just not seeing which existing element corresponds to it! Aauughh!
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what he is + his equation
Thanks, but that's what's getting me; I'm not seeing what represents his equation; it's got to be something I already have cos he's the last new element, but I'm not seeing it. I tried what I thought were the obvious combinations based on wiki'ing his theories. I'm sure the answer is right in front of me--which is what makes it infuriating. :/
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OK, so I'm having a hard time figuring out Gold, Philosophy and Philosopher's Stone. I know one I get the 2nd I'll be able to get the 3rd. Do I use Metal as one of the elements for Gold, and is it independent of philosophy?
Philosophy would seem to be Idea and some type of Man, or am I on the wrong thought process? It doesn't seem to be working the way I'd have thought.
OK, so I'm having a hard time figuring out Gold, Philosophy and Philosopher's Stone. I know one I get the 2nd I'll be able to get the 3rd. Do I use Metal as one of the elements for Gold, and is it independent of philosophy?
Philosophy would seem to be Idea and some type of Man, or am I on the wrong thought process? It doesn't seem to be working the way I'd have thought.
OK, so I'm having a hard time figuring out Gold, Philosophy and Philosopher's Stone. I know one I get the 2nd I'll be able to get the 3rd. Do I use Metal as one of the elements for Gold, and is it independent of philosophy?
Philosophy would seem to be Idea and some type of Man, or am I on the wrong thought process? It doesn't seem to be working the way I'd have thought.
your close when some one who studies thing's need to make a leap of faith because they have hit a wall the rest should fall in to place
For all of you with questions please check page 84 for a full list of elements (no spoilers) and page 82 for a full list of spoilers (combinations). ALL 360 elements unveiled! Happy mixing!
I've read through the thread and the previous hints just don't seem to help, so can someone please give me a better hint for music? This is the only one that I have to get before I'm done.
Music is Sound that as be thought about and brought in to being by An_________ (think comics when someone has an epiphany)
here ya goim going insane i have looked at those list on pages 82 and 84 but its not in abc order so maybe im missing them or skipping over them or whatever can someone PLEASE post the 360 from 1-360 without the crazy update one and update 2 and random orders please! im going insane!!!!!:shocked::icon_evil: :icon_eek:
I wish they would make a bigger list... 50/220
i will give you 1 though that i havent seen yet, im trying not to see the huge list that was put out. but since im a mario fan here is the one ill give.
life and mushroom = 1up.
Thats so awesome.