Hints for all 30 new ones.
1. Albert Einstein
a. What was he? What formula was he famous for?
2. Alien
a. Astral animal
b. Astral animation.
3. Ambulance
a. Vehicle that takes one to a certain location.
4. Bee
a. Bug that is known for its interactions with these plant features.
5. Belarus
a. Geographic region that is known for manufacturing these machines.
6. Catdog
a. Read it.
7. Coin
a. In the video game with the Italian plumber, what does he bang his head on?
b. Alternately, take a type of substance an stamp it.
8. Dilemma
a. The question of which came first.
9. Doctor
a. A specialist that works at a certain type of building.
10. Elephant
a. Huge animal put on land.
b. Animal identified with a specific country.
11. Fried Chicken
a. Heat a chicken
12. Gold
a. An alchemist would want to use a mythical rock to transform this stuff into it.
13. Honey
a. What a certain insect makes as a means of storing this sweet substance.
14. House MD
a. A man or a doctor with an addiction.
15. Microchip
a. Semi conductive substance with a simple electronic component on it
b. Two or more of those electronic components put together in a series.
16. Money
a. What you have when you say that a note has the value of a precious metal
b. Notes and stamped bits.
17. Music
a. A conceptualization of sound.
18. Penguin
a. A specific type of animal that favors this phase of water.
19. Philosopher's Stone
a. Mythical item, read the words, put them together.
20. Philosophy
a. The application of a specialist to a thought problem.
21. Rainbow
a. Refraction.
22. Robot
a. Non-flesh humanoid with animate qualities.
23. Ruby
a. Jewel stained this color.
24. Sound
a. Manifestation of air acting on a certain conductive substance.
25. Statue
a. An item used to shape a substance.
26. Statue of liberty
a. Two countries with a common concept.
b. A construct (mostly) unique to a geographic place.
27. Transistor
a. A type of energy is channeled by use of partially conductive materials
28. UFO
a. Even space men pimp their rides.
29. Vicodin
a. A specialist prescribes this treatment for a malaise.
30. Yoda
a. Known as a spiritual leader of this order, he spent his last days hiding in Dagobah.