i used the one called sms backup, it backs up your messages to gmail, but i think there are a few that will back them up to your sd card, i can't remember.:icon_evil: Just happened to me tonight! First time it has happened, had the phone for months. I was in Mid argument with my girlfriend, i needed the thread for proof! GRRR! I had my max set to 5000 it was the highest it would allow. I was using the stock msg app and no where NEAR 5000 probly close to 800 total, several hunderd today/night with just that one contact. Somethings got to give! I wonder if there is a way to auto backup msgs to sd? Any idea guys?
Searched Market for backup, there are tons! I wonder whats the best???
i took my phone in, and before they would switch it out for that problem, they had me do a factory wipe, and htat helped me. before, i was getting 4 to 5 message wipes a week. it was almost happening once a day! but then i did the wipe, adn now i get it probably once a month. if that. i think i just get to many messages on the phone