Am I being paranoid?!

I've been using quick clock for awhile, on several different roms Been pretty happy, only issue is the settings don't stick after reboot.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
You should be Able to set it at boot

From the Self-Aware Droid 2 APEX GB v2.0
Never has worked since I got it. Enable at boot in advanced settings, but reverts back to default every time. I don't boot all that often anyway. App works good enough to be worth the trouble. I did msg the dev, no response.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
I've never got a response from him. Ever

From the Self-Aware Droid 2 APEX GB v2.0
Ok fine now I'm drunk..anyone know purple motion?

Sent From My Supercharged Chainfired Cyanogenated Droid X
Last edited:
Woke up and tried calibrating again... Worked!

I'm at 1250....
2656 quadrant... New record for me!

Thanks everyone

Sent From My Supercharged Chainfired Cyanogenated Droid X
Last edited:
Holy crap this phone is faster than I can think.

Jrummys still won't install... bummer

Sent From My Supercharged Chainfired Cyanogenated Droid X
If you can't get android overclock to install send jrummy an email with your purchase info and ask for a refund most likely he will give it to you

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
If you can't get android overclock to install send jrummy an email with your purchase info and ask for a refund most likely he will give it to you

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Nah I think ill hang onto it... seeing as it could just be a rom issue or some other discrepancy I may get it to work down the road... thanks though

Sent From My Supercharged Chainfired Cyanogenated Droid X