Am I the only one not wanting an X?

I understand the size is all about preference. I just dont understand how people can hold that big thing to the side of their head for a call??

I bet its amazing to use for web surfing and all the other cool stuff, but it is afterall, a phone! I cant possibly see myself holding that to my head ... and yes, im a big dude (6'2 about 290)

Or maybe its a lot of BT users who are wanting the X? I dont use BT :( Maybe i should lol
If you're under contract then there's no reason to do anything. Otherwise, the DroidX or Droid2 are better options than the aging Droid or unobtainable INC.
whats the big deal about having motoblur or not having it?

If I ever got any of these phones they would beeeee rooted and moded on the first day. (if root was available at that point, then again some of these developers are geniuses and it would only take a few days or hours!)

by the way dont judge the size till you hold it. Some will be like wow I love the size of this phone and others will hate it. But that is the beauty of Android , you get choice.
I understand the size is all about preference. I just dont understand how people can hold that big thing to the side of their head for a call??

I bet its amazing to use for web surfing and all the other cool stuff, but it is afterall, a phone! I cant possibly see myself holding that to my head ... and yes, im a big dude (6'2 about 290)

Or maybe its a lot of BT users who are wanting the X? I dont use BT :( Maybe i should lol

You're 6'2 and 290 and think a phone that's less than a half inch taller than your Droid is too big to hold against your head?

:icon_ laughup:
STFU , you all want it , you're just in denial .

Just wait to hold that baby in your hands , and you all gonna rob banks to pay the full price :laugh:

I mean.... folks still got the EVO and its a big phone, the HTC HD2 too. Big phones need love too...
I thought the EVO was big enough, but the X is even bigger. I use the optical joystick a lot when editing text, so it's a must for me on a all touch screen. I'll have to pass on the X, but would love the hdmi out and 720p capture.
I currently have a Moto Droid, and I have a dInc on the way (might receive monday or tues)

For a split second i considered cancelling my dInc and waiting on the X. But do i want a phone that large?

I do have a concern about developer-attention (software and accessories) though. The Moto Droid got tons of attention and now has all the cool things, the dInc may not get such attention because of the stock issues leading right into the X debut

Then there is the rumor of phasing out the Inc. We can all sit here and say its nonsense, but there is a slight chance its true .. and if it is, we are screwed as far as developer-attention, IMO

so much to ponder :sigh: but i think at the end of the day for me it boils down to not wanting a big massive phone. Im perfectly comfy with the standard.

dInc here I come.

You are stating that you might not want it due to the SCREEN SIZE. For me the main reason I would upgrade is to get that SCREEN SIZE. I don't care so much about the Processor and Memory, because i'm running Droid 2.2 Froyo Blue Themed at 1.1 ghz and it's running fast and good. I do wish my screen was bigger.

Don't get me wrong I love all the new upgrade features and all, but the screen would be my main reason. I might wait it out because i do not want to pay full price since I only bought my Droid during XMAS time. If i did not have to pay the full price and could upgrade for the regular price as a new client I would 100% purchase it.

Correct me if i'm wrong, if you are not eligible for an upgrade you have to pay the full 599$ or whatever the Droid X is going to cost correct? Or can I upgrade for the cheaper price say 199$ and just extend my contract? Anyone know. I'm pretty sure this can't be done, but just wanted confirmation. Thanks.

You have to pay to play.

Yes, If you not eligible for a NE2, you pay full price
If you get a 1 year update you'll pay new contract pricing plus $100...

This actually isn't entirely correct. If you are upgrading the main line, then you are allowed to do so every year. If you upgrade at 2 years in, then just the promotional price of $199.99. If you were to upgrade at 1 year in, then the price is still $199.99, but you are charged $20 early upgrade fee (just paid this fee on June 11th).
The annual upgrade for the primary line only applies after 12 months and as long as the calling plan has not changed within the last 3 months.
The Inc is great! It is however, not much smaller than the x (in fact the Inc is THICKER like a BRICKER) I would get an eris if I were you and if the size of the newer android devices bug you. To your original question, no, not everyone wants and X =)
I don't want an X because:
1. It's too big for me
2. I think it's ugly, in fact I feel most Motorola phones are ugly including the original Droid. I'm not trying to start a war about Droids it's just my opinion. I love the way my Incredible looks, especially the back side.

My exact two reasons. I've held and messed with an Evo and it is just frickin' big. Doesn't fit comfortably into a pocket like the DInc or an Iphone for that matter. It's just personal preference. If any, the Galaxy S seems like a very interesting phone to watch.
The Galaxy S is a 4 incher too....its probably the smallest 4 incher out the bunch tho.
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I don't want an X because:
1. It's too big for me
2. I think it's ugly, in fact I feel most Motorola phones are ugly including the original Droid. I'm not trying to start a war about Droids it's just my opinion. I love the way my Incredible looks, especially the back side.

My exact two reasons. I've held and messed with an Evo and it is just frickin' big. Doesn't fit comfortably into a pocket like the DInc or an Iphone for that matter. It's just personal preference. If any, the Galaxy S seems like a very interesting phone to watch.

I liked the moto, but truth be told the EVO was too big for me, so I can only imagine what the X is going to be like.
I'm waiting on the X, then of something else comes along that is better, I'll get that.

This is where i stand.
Droid 2 looks like the same Droid we have now.
That turned me off.
i would say whats the point to upgrading to the D2 when it already looks the same when the hardware is basically the same?
They keyboard is different.
yay:clap:Thas all i am seeing.
The only thing different that i see is the processor.
The X is nice IMO...although its a lil bigger then the Evo.
But i personally like it mucho.
Still makes me wonder if either one gets 2.2.
Cause none of the links stated they had it updated.
I'm waiting on the X, then of something else comes along that is better, I'll get that.

This is where i stand.
Droid 2 looks like the same Droid we have now.
That turned me off.
i would say whats the point to upgrading to the D2 when it already looks the same when the hardware is basically the same?
They keyboard is different.
yay:clap:Thas all i am seeing.
The only thing different that i see is the processor.
The X is nice IMO...although its a lil bigger then the Evo.
But i personally like it mucho.
Still makes me wonder if either one gets 2.2.
Cause none of the links stated they had it updated.

That would be because 2.2 has not been released yet.