Senior Member
I'm waiting on the X, then of something else comes along that is better, I'll get that.
This is where i stand.
Droid 2 looks like the same Droid we have now.
That turned me off.
i would say whats the point to upgrading to the D2 when it already looks the same when the hardware is basically the same?
They keyboard is different.
yay:clap:Thas all i am seeing.
The only thing different that i see is the processor.
The X is nice IMO...although its a lil bigger then the Evo.
But i personally like it mucho.
Still makes me wonder if either one gets 2.2.
Cause none of the links stated they had it updated.
That would be because 2.2 has not been released yet.
Right..but didnt they say that one of these phones would have 2.2 on release?
I thought it was supposed to be the D-X.
Unless..they changed that...or it was really never accurate.