Actually no its not. It is not my fault I'm using my phone to its utmost ability. I'm also not gonna be walked all over by corporate America over a measly $20 a month. Blame Motorola for adding the feature to the X. It is people like you who corporate America loves because you'll do what they tell you. I am already paying Verizon dearly because of the fact that I have a FULL unlimited nationwide plan with unlimited data. I'm not going to pay them another $20 a month just to link my phone's internet to what ever device I choose to.
Also Verizon is looking into LTE instead of 4g. LTE is faster and more stable, and has a overall better connection than anything that is currently available.
If everyone was using 20gb a month they would go to limited data for
a pretty price. BUT! if they did that and everyone cancelled their contracts to show of force verizon would make it a standard to give everyone unlimited to use as they please.
We are in a medium here, It all depends on which side makes
the next move and the other side plays accordingly.
With the 123k members we have on this forum we could no doubt make
verizon think twice about implimenting data plans.