AndroidAuthority With Note II Videos


New Member
Jan 16, 2012
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And the saddest of them all...

I know right?! Too bad I have to drop retail price because I was an early adopter of the Razr... :angry:
I hear ya, not for everyone!
The video in the link is pretty amazing though:)
Has there been an approximate price mentioned yet?? Contract and full retail?
299 is the rumored pricing so far.
We will find out soon. US cellular has the pre order price on contract of 299 and I would suspect retail in the US would be around 800.
thats what I've seen so far is around 800 for no contract. I've noticed phones are like cars. You pay a ton of money for them, but they lose their value so quick. Im lucky to get 400 for my 32gb White Razr
$400 Nice!

I can get about $40 for my old droid x


Pooling my reserves for sure! Love this build up of anticipation for this phone. I haven't been this stoked for something in a long time. Kind of forgot how it feels:icon_ banana: