Anyone else experience BLACK screen / shut down while using Pandora? or in general?

I have got it twice in the past few days....

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I've experienced a black screen while starting Google earth and while using movie maker app. Both reboots

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I didn't have any today.

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Had another one today while using the market.

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Joining the club too.

[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]This has been happening to me too and it's reassuring that I'm not alone in this. My experience is very similar. I will be listening to music on Spotify when all of a sudden the music will stop and the screen remains dark. When this happens none of the buttons will work and I too hear a loud crackly pop before it reboots. I spoke with Verizon & Samsung and none of them are aware of this problem. They both recommended a factory rest or new-for-new exchange of phones. I have yet to be in contact with Google, but [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]I was wondering if this problem has occurred again for you or anyone else?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]
Got My first one the day I got the Nexus (saturday) I Killed the battery, let it charge overnight and the thing would respond. Has to pull battery. Then today at work I was listening to pandora, nothing else and yep it did it again. Then right after I was listening to google music and playing with the EQ settings and a third time, and twice in 15 minutes. After that google music worked no problem.
happened again today to me while in the market.

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Has someone already reported this random re-boot to Verizon/Samsung/Google? Got the GNex last week so far there are 3 problems: 1. poor reception. 2. random re-boot and 3. need to toggle bluetooth on/off in order for the car's handsfreelink to detect the phone...
Just so people understand, random reboots occur when a piece of software causes an error (usually when the software is being pulled from your RAM) on your operating system, this results in a "black screen" aka reboot.

Most likely the problem is there are so many apps that haven't been updated to 4.0 that it's causing you to have random reboots when ever that software fails to operate on 4.0.

Since people are updating their Nexus with loads of apps they previously used that have not been rewritten for 4.0, it's hard to determine which app is causing your problem, so just wait until they've been updated and then worry about it.

If you want to resolve your problem now, uninstall any apps that aren't recently updated to 4.0, this will solve your issue.
I just had another reboot while watching YouTube vids

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None here yet..

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Mine would never boot up again after the battery went dead. Would this type of bug in the OS be "worked out" or is part of the hardware and you'd be stuck with the phone for two years?
I have a Galaxy Nexus experiencing this issue. It has happened to me twice where I'm driving, listening to Pandora and all of a sudden the music stops and the screen goes black. I always hold the power button and the phone reboots.

I have a friend who also has the Galaxy Nexus and his is doing the same thing when he uses PowerAmp. His friend is getting the same issue with his Galaxy Nexus with the built in music player so maybe this is a "music" issue and not just a Pandora thing?
I had it happen to me twice yesterday when I was trying to download a small file from the browser. It would hang on the file then reboot itself.

This has been the only time it has done this.

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