Each anti-Samsung post makes me question more and more if I will make the switch the the Nexus once available. I had zero complaints with the OG Droid until the phone was nearly two years old, and I attribute much of that to my sheer desire to have something new and I wanted to find issues with my Droid. In the four days that I have had the Razr, I have nothing to complain about, and I have been pleasantly surprised with how much I actually like this device. I have said it before in other threads, but it will take a lot for me to switch to the Nexus. Currently the biggest factors that continue drawing me to the Nexus are the larger screen and screen quality, camera shutter speed and quality, and ICS. However, even with those potential features, build quality and form will be a huge factor because in my opinion, the Razr is superb when it comes to size, build quality, and feel.