No because i already got it last Saturday!
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Sent from my ICS DROID RAZR Maxx using DroidForums
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Alright!! This means war!!!! Banana cream, with honeycomb, topped with key lime pie, with eclaire and jelly beans sprinkled over it, with licorice pieces stuck in it like flag poles. I'm gonna be sick!!!! Lmao.... with a vanilla malt poured over the top of that!! Blaaaahh!!! Now I've gone too far!!!! BAAARF!!
sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
With mashmellow topping, nevergonnahappenyoucallit pieces, orangecicles smashed in, peanuts, Queensland nuts, in a sugar cone. Toffee flavored, on an upside down cake, topped with a double scoop of vanilla, watermelon flavored whipped cream, ground walnuts and wasabi scented waffle cone sprinkles, xiangcaojing xtra gum, yellow yogurt, and zero bar stuffed zebra cake.
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using DroidForums
Then it all starts again apple banana cream danishes everyone forgets good humor including jokes kinda like mine no os's persist. quiet remains still to us very xray yet zippidi-do-da all broken concentration demands everything fails Google however... I'm just kidding
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People are going to die laughing or of food poisoning one or the other.
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OMG!!! LOL What was that?! Better check your tongue and make sure it isn't in a knot after all that! My eyes are cussing me out after reading that post! Lmao!!!
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I vote for laughing vomit comet!!! That's where they laugh and throw up at the same time. Yuuuuck!!. Don't forget the sprinkles!
sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
And ya gotta blend it all up and drink it....blaaaaaaah!!! Ohhh and caramel sauce and whipped cream.... that's turned!
Back in my cage i go!!!
sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
Drink it like others drink the apple flavored Kool-ade and don't think twice
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After it attracted the neighborhood cats
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