New Member
I see a lot of talk about Wi-Fi Hotspot mode, but nearly none about Bluetooth DUN mode. The Wi-Fi Hotspot never worked on my phone, and it's not a big deal for me, but being unable to use either mode really sucks.
As soon as I make a connection to my phone from my computer for internet, the 3g on my phone shuts off. If I try to access a website, I get redirected to newSelfProvisioning /SelfProvisioning (spaces added to kill auto-url link not showing in full). This never happened before. I've tried the various things people have mentioned despite the fact that they meant it was a fix for Wi-Fi mode, but still no luck.
Has anyone gotten BT DUN mode to work since the update? Or maybe I should ask, "has anyone had BT DUN mode break since the update, and then managed to fix it?"
I too am having the same problem with my Verizon Razr since the update. Prior no problem connecting my ASUS tablet with my Droid using BT DUN. Now Foxfi tells me Fail to open Bluetooth even after everything I have seen suggested here. Even uninstall ed and reinstalled latest version of Foxfi. Hoping someone here runs as cross a solution. I refuse to pay tethering to Big Red.