Yes forkup, good catchNice app but the option to keep more than one backup per app says it requies a donation yet I see no way to donate...

The easiest way would have been to publish a "donate" (or pro) version on the Market, but unfortunately, pay-for apps can't be published from Switzerland yet !
So, what would be the preferred option(s) for you guys ?
a) I take PayPal donations and send a tiny "unlocking" app by e-mail in return. When installed, it unlocks full fonctionality in Titanium Backup.
b) I take PayPal donations and send a serial number in return. Full fonctionality is unlocked when e-mail address & serial are entered in Titanium Backup.
c) Same as "a" but I publish the unlocking app on the marketplace, which accepts app sellers from anywhere.
Please "vote", or propose your own options...
PS: Concerning option "b": I have a Paypal "premier" account, and I haven't look at the fees for small transactions yet..